I see, building a track from scratch vocals has always been challenging for me, currently I'd figure out what key your acapella is in first, then the bpm (maybe warping the acapella a bit to fit a bpm), then try some piano chords in that key and build from there. Try the simple four chords approach, or just use any chords that work and that you think sound good.

It’s a tough question bc we don’t know what type of instrumental you want, how much music theory you know, etc. Do you just want a piano ballad, maybe a full blown edm track?

Depends what you make and your music history! When I started I was an experienced pianist, so I would make little jingles on the piano and build from there

At least in my case, before getting signed I had been working on my craft for 10+ years. So I knew how to mix/master well enough in a studio setup, how to release tracks, etc. My masters weren’t perfect but they were good enough to push, and it’s important to push out tracks instead of holding on to them for perfection purposes imo

Ah that’s weird, maybe it’s different there

The Sennheiser HD-6XX's are wonderful for mixing, and you can get them super cheap from Massdrop

Just depends what you like. Drums and bass are red, percussion is purple, strings/synths are green, arpeggios yellow, sidechain channel white, atmospheric noises turquoise. This did get me thinking that maybe it'd be cool for my creativity to switch up the colors ^.^

Great info here, love this!

SoundCloud’s radio algorithm is super underrated imo, it’s great for finding music you love

I don't think it's a bad idea at all! Totally depends on the context of the track as exampled by a lot of the comments. I'd do your best to just stick to what you think sounds best and what you vibe with, and hope the judges do too. Even if they don't, you know you made something you love, and could even rework for a release later.

Can give a nice +1 for EastWest, they have a montly ComposerCloud subscription plan for $20-25 and you get all the banks you want, they're great

Dude thank you so much!!! It was wild for me hearing it on Sirius too, couldn’t believe it. More on the way!

The gym & life experiences, on top of discipline and just doing the work every day

Yea that’ll last you a long time and it’s more than powerful enough, just make sure the other parts are solid, like your video card/ram/etc

My bridge to electronic music back in the day was Ghosts n Stuff by Deadmau5 and Tiesto’s “In Search of Sunrise” mixes, as well as some trance classics that were made well before 2007-08 but that I picked up later. Slightly more modern songs/artists that might help you could be Play Pretend by Kasbo, Clouds by BUNT., or Marea by Fred Again

Oh that's a huge thing. Adjusting your setup, location, general area, is huge for getting your mind working in different ways, opening different neural pathways, and finding inspiration!

Been using FabFilter Saturn for ages, it's had so many uses in my projects. So many great presets for all types of uses and super easy to customize. Don't know much about Satin but can super +1 for Saturn.

I use Opus by EastWest, through their monthly ComposerCloud plan that's $20-25. Phenomenal stuff!

I definitely feel that same way the further I get into producing, no need to feel weird about it. A lot of times I’ll put my reverbs on sends and do a lot of post processing to get closer to the sound I want.