That kid is already better at this than I will be at anything in my entire life

You can just see the moment he goes “Ohhhhhhhhh!”

I think people on Reddit just enjoy arguing for the sake of it. My original quote was just a whimsical musing, and all of a sudden I’m being debated about something that I have no interest in going back & forth on. It is highly improbable TO ME that we are the only and first intelligent life in the universe. Believe whatever the hell you want to

Jesus, make a comment on Reddit and all people want to do is argue and troll you. I disagree with your sentiment.

It’s about likely probability. I’m not gonna sit here and argue with you about something hypothetical

Right. But zero sum, the odds of it occurring on earth first are really slim

Totally possible, but the odds are pretty astronomical, no pun intended

I’m familiar with it, and I love Sagan. Pale Blue Dot baby 😊 what a spec we are! Surrendering to our infinitesimal size within the scale of the universe is both terrifying and liberating!

Definitely a possibility, but just playing the numbers 😊

There is no way that there isn’t other life out there. Specifically intelligent life. The universe is too big for it not to be so. Oh to zip around from star to star like they were exits on a highway. To see another world and eat its fruit, watch its sun, or suns, rise above the horizon. What an epic trip that would be

It is taxed as if that is what you made per week for the entire fiscal year

When you stand up really quickly and get lightheaded for a few seconds. It’s like a natural whippit

Boo fucking hoo. I bet they can afford it if they stop paying their CEO 20 million dollars a year. Fuck outta here