:midnights: Midnights

Ahhh lucky you! Yeah same here, I live in Vancouver... I know maybe 60 people who tried to sign up but only 3 who got codes. I live walking distance from the stadium, it's so depressing. 😭😭

How long does it take to stop screaming? I had JUST sealed the Fedex recycling pack and I heard one inside start screaming. I really don't want to cut open the FedEx mailer so I stuffed it into a bag at the back of the closet where I can't hear it 🤣 would love to know how long it will take to stop though!

:midnights: Midnights

I don't have an explanation for you but I definitely get what you're saying, the Playboy Bunny vibe is a little much

:midnights: Midnights

How are you going twice? It makes me so sad that there were so many of us in Vancouver and Toronto who couldn't get tickets but there are so many Americans coming up for their second shows in our cities 😭 I know it's not your fault, but I mean....F you Ticketmaster

:midnights: Midnights

The reason friends drift has very little to do with the internet. It's about how we change as we go through life and go through different stages. You don't relate to the same people at age 30 as you for at age 17, or at 40 as you did at 25. Internet and staying connected has very little to do with it. People change and grow as they move through life, and it's rare to find people who will grow in the same direction as you.

:midnights: Midnights

A - no writer worth their salt uses memes as a guideline, only as inspiration

B - Changing word order from the expected is also a common poetic writing device and one she uses often.

Some folks didn't listen in English Lit and it shows 🤣

:midnights: Midnights

Does it seem like the album needs that kind of publicity though? 🤣

:midnights: Midnights

No she didn't. The "hey kids spelling is fun" is 100% tongue-in-cheek, it doesn't mean the song was for kids 🤣🤦🏻‍♀️

:midnights: Midnights

What promo were you expecting, aside from the initial Grammy's announcement and the variant announcements at Eras shows? 🤔🤷🏻‍♀️ It's not like she needs anything more tbh

:midnights: Midnights

Oh ok. I get that, I just always took it in the broader sense, not just the parade and the signs, but also the snarky comments people make and generally throwing shade at the LGBT community. Like "you hating on these people isn't going to change who they are"

:midnights: Midnights

Oh sorry I'm with you. I read your post as saying "sound is correct" which sounded like a grammar call out rather than a preference. I'm following you now.

:midnights: Midnights

I always took that to mean someone who sweeps you off your feet and is so right for you that they make you want to change the plans you had for yourself (meaning the "where do you see yourself in 5yrs" kind of plans) in order to build a new plan with them. Finding the right person will do that to you.

:midnights: Midnights

Wait now I feel like I need to know what is the right definition of shade? 🤣 I thought it was when you're being critical and passive aggressive to someone, in which case the lyric fits.

:midnights: Midnights

Because castles are built from stones, or because the phrase is "sticks and stones"? If the first, I think that could go either way; bricks isn't technically incorrect. And if the second, I actually quite like how the unexpected vocab change draws more attention to the line - it draws a more vivid picture BECAUSE you're expecting a different word.

:midnights: Midnights

To be fair though, that's not grammatically incorrect. Both are accurate. Also, using "thing" to refer to a sound is already well-entrenched in common vocabulary. In this instance, using thing has much more resonance at the end of the sentence where she's going for dramatic impact.

:midnights: Midnights

To be fair though, that's not grammatically incorrect. Both are accurate. Also, using "thing" to refer to a sound is already well-entrenched in common vocabulary. In this instance, using thing has much more resonance at the end of the sentence where she's going for dramatic impact.

:midnights: Midnights

She's not saying quietly (low), she's literally talking about the speed at which he's talking. I've heard that in another (complimentary) context to refer to a man with a Southern accent. It's supposed to be sexy.

And yet there is amazing public transit and you don't need to own a car in most places in Europe 👀 you're not making your case here 🤣

Yes - it's difficult and required balance and equal partnership. Not bad parenting...that's all you projecting.

Oh wait you're a gun toting Texan who posts trash like this, no wonder you're spouting misogyny in other threads

She's actually not complaining. Read the article again, or better yet listen to the podcast it's quoting. She never complains. She's speaking openly about the challenges of being a working mom, praising her partner for being an equal parent, and talking about how they found a balance that worked for them as a family. She never complains 👀

And yet, she talks about the importance of having a supportive partner and how they shared responsibilities so she could continue to do her job and travel for periods of time. Stop trying to justify the myth that somehow women are bad parents if they travel for work. You wouldn't be saying this if she was a man. In this instance, she was away for work and her husband is at home with the kids. Neither of them are bad parents, any more than they would be if the roles were reversed, but somehow it's only women who get flack for it.