Why does he look like he solves mysteries.

Yeah he's an orange doofy. Sorry about the terrible lighting.

Someone mentioned it, thank you.

MICKEY MOUSE said "They'll pay for this" with honest-to-god MURDER IN HIS EYES..

Xargothrax Master of NIghtmares, keeper of the celestial flame of Abernethy.

This is the first time I've even heard this was happening.

My response: Who cares?

If the movie is crap, it really doesn't effect the games that much.

If the movie is good, hey! Good movie!

Doesn't really matter either way.

We try! Though truth be told we sometimes don't know what we're doing and have to look it up. We seem to be doing a decent job though. They're very active for their age. Creamsicle (the orange one) still gets the Zoomies on occasion.

Wait a minute... What numbers? Keep digging. There might be more

Usually when a character who is in my party is COMPLETELY USELESS for the battle at hand. Either that or the boss powers up his Holy Shit maneuver.

I don't care what anybody says, the freaking cutscene movie in 1.5 is the best way to experience that game. If only they could do the same thing for Chain of Memories.

I apologize for nothing. You know I'm right.

Only response I have to this is "Pipe dream make brain go weeeeeee..."

"Creaking under the year it was released" is what I said.

Basically, if felt like a lot of mechanics were stripped back in order to chase trends at the time. Only two guns at a time, a heavier reliance on cover, and ashuing med kits in favor of one time heals that appear sporadically, and can't be restocked.

I will also say that Infinites combat, while snappier, wasn't as fun. Mostly because the game's idea of an important encounter is to lock you in a huge room and summon eighteen billion assholes and not let you out until you've killed ALL of them. Which feels at war with the more stripped back, I guess you'd call it tactical, mechanics they went with.

Rarely in the first two games, if ever, am I stuck in a massive neverending firefight. The moment to moment gameplay is so BUSY there's hardly enough time to breathe and take in the atmosphere, which is, in my opinion, what BioShock is best at.

Columbia feels more underdeveloped than Rapture. The history of the place doesn't feel like it matters. I understand that they wanted to put that aside in order to focus on the characters but the characters... Simply weren't as interesting to me.

Booker, to me, comes off as the blandest main character in the series, which is impressive considering the first two were Silent. Elizabeth is... Fine. I never got the absolute fan worship of her, but she's probably the best character in the game. And let's face it, Comstock is infinitely less interesting than Andrew Ryan, Sofia Lamb, or even Frank Fontaine.

I feel like I'm going to hard on it. It's a good game. Hell, it is a GREAT game. If it didn't have the BioShock title, I'd probably have a lot more of a glowing opinion of it than I do. Comparing it to the first two games however (which I am going to do because of both the title, and the critics doing the same thing) I find the game remarkably shallow. Both in gameplay and story.

As someone who really likes this game, that is a problem. Not necessarily Lamb's EXISTENCE, but the idea that she was actually gaining traction before Rapture's collapse. I would have had her be sort of... The power behind the throne? To Atlas. Have HIM be the one debating Ryan, parroting her words.

Well it's nice it's getting reevaluated. But I'm actually gonna give best DLC to burial at sea.

In My Opinion, BioShock 2 is severely underrated.

Is it as good as the first game? No, but honestly that's really hard. Mechanically basically everything was improved from the first game with the only exception being the Hacking Minigame was worse, but that in and of itself is a hot take. I really like the plot, and I absolutely love the Main Character. Matter of fact Delta is one of my favorite characters in the series period.

It has some flaws. Rescuing Little Sisters is a massive pain, and the good ending is a little silly to get in one instance (Gil Alexander), it's certainly not as deep as the first game. But I dunno. I feel like this game gets seriously looked over in favor of Infinite, which is a decent enough game in its own right, but I don't find it as interesting. Setting, story, or character wise. And gameplay wise I feel Infinite is CREAKING under the year it was released, and felt like a step backwards for the series.

So yeah. Not sure how hot a take it is, but I prefer BioShock 2 to Infinite, and feel it was unfairly maligned by critics and audiences. Both at the time and today.

Literally the second you walk into the orphanage from the entrance under the "Little Wonders" sign with the alphabet blocks, hang a right. There should be two doors to it.

I don't think so. Tenenbaum is responsible for the creation of the Little Sisters, but I think the conditioning is ALL Suchong.