Why wouldn't I be, this sub is being taken over by religious nuts. You're like the exact opposite of what this sub is about

"Cry baby lefties". Let me guess, you're religious too? Magic is real.

Considering Fox isn't the one who made that decision to charge themselves you could probably believe the outcome. Tucker is an evil lying nut out to grift his dumb ass believers.

If you start with your workers being paid more that increases the cash flow in the economy, because workers actually spend money. You know what happens when people spend money? Other workers have more money, and it becomes this crazy weird cycle where you have a good economy with lots of different people spending money.

Now obviously that doesn't fix the housing market, as there is many factors that lead to a bad economy. But paying workers is never bad for the economy. One problem you could look at is stagnant wealth.

But in this particular case, these people aren't just doing a nothing job. It ain't skilless, hence why they're asking for more money because they deserve it.

They're not asking for 1M a year though, so I'm not sure what you're even trying to say. They're just trying to be able to afford a house where they can raise a child, nothing special.

Nobody is paid well in Canada, everyone needs a raise. How these people supposed to buy a house near an airport only making 100k?

Esquimalt doesn't have infinite empty land to just start doing that though, they have to obtain and then demolish what is currently there. In theory you're right but in practice you'd have to annex the land and bulldoze houses just to begin your proposal.

So if Esquimalt tried to stop high rises you wouldn't get any extra building, it would just be the same amount but low rise while simultaneously increasing demand as supply does not increase fast enough causing increased prices.

Totally talking out of my ass here, no evidence so I could be wrong.

Also there is tons of low rise going in, not sure if you've driven down esquimalt rd lately but it's basically one construction zone from end to end.

You're delusional, stop and think for a second on your own views/opinions. 

Are they truly your own? What experiences do you have that made you come to this conclusion?

Bro check yourself, you've already done pre mental gymnastics on how Trump could do no wrong.

This ain't just an America thing, the entire world is going through the same shit. Dumb ass American.

I wonder if they're even saving any money after driving 2 hours each way Lol. Not to mention cost of their time.

Alex Jones is a massive loser, who cares if a private organization wants nothing to do with him. I don't understand why you care so much, I wouldn't want anyone to think I was his friend, nor would i want him to make money off of me.

That's the problem though! It doesn't need to be proprietary but every company is trying their hardest to make it so, proprietary software and making hardware proprietary is no different than just adding a lock to something where you're the only key holder. It actually takes extra effort to make things proprietary.

Well if you can do the math then do it, cause all I see is you making assumptions.

These pcs are way too new for 92, pretty slick for 2002 tho

It's not very legendary if everyone has it

Put Elon musk in the room with the entire homeless population of America. Assuming the homeless population has 0 savings.

That room is quite wealthy, with the average wealth being about $540,000.

Ya and lead plates/cups too. Pipe your house with it as well. May as well start drinking mercury, I hear it's the drink of immortals.

All you Trumpers sound alike, stop watching weird "conservative news", they're brain washing you to hate/fear everything and everyone.

Too bad you'll never take a comment like this literal, it's really sad how easily they get control of your life.

Capriet was the one I was thinking of

Lol bro chill, I don't know if you know about this thing called history but feudalism has been done.