Here is more information on that my friend:

Remember the internet is forever so be very choosy about what goes on it!

MacBook Pro :MacBookPro:

personally what Apple is charging for their display , with the nano texture glass… around 1900:

you can get an lg 480 htz monitor for much less:

I think Apple builds great products but this monitor for what they’re charging, I could never buy. It’s sort of the same thing for their Vision Pro.

The LG is perfect for my Mac, and it looks fantastic at 4k 240htz or 1080p 480 htz. Plus it’s 32 inches instead of 27.

And for this reason I say yes, they are better than the contract ones made for Apple, although those are still great monitors

MacBook Pro :MacBookPro:

I would not.

LG makes some fantastic displays that are pretty close in quality.

I’d rather save an extra 5-700 bucks and spec out my Mac as much as I can

Auto Industry

God I miss home.

I really need to build up funds and buy a house up north.

Nice parts about the deep south and its job growth but nothing beats Michigan at all

Unfortunately looking here probably has increased chances of scams, so I would be wary.

I am sorry you are so desperate…it saddens me so. It shouldn’t be this way

Remote work is being given to those with basically tons of experience so It’s probably not going to happen unless you go call center. Heck I have many years of IT experience and It’s a struggle for people like me!

My recommendation is reaching out to a temp agency or working in retail for now. This market is brutal but otherwise I don’t really have an answer for you.

Good luck.

IMO anything less than 16 is going to be painful.

Most modern web apps require a ton of resources, and RAM also allows you to have more windows open at once.

Go for 16.

r/redditsniper got him with this comment lol

Auto Industry

“Jonker did not rule Friday on separate motions from Enbridge seeking summary disposition in favor of the Canadian oil giant's right to continue operations through the Straits. Instead, the judge said he would hold oral arguments on July 31 on the matter”

While this isn’t great it doesn’t mean the state has lost.

I truly hope we can protect such a vital resource. Shameful on Enbridge’s part.


TLDR it’s scammers posing as Apple and they are SMS phishing for Apple ID credentials and once they share credentials they install malware on devices.

It’s been happening since passwords were a thing so nobody stupidly hand out Apple ID credentials over text and always verify it’s apple’s website and you’ll be fine.

Just some firm trying to make a name for themselves

This just happened to my s24 ultra.

It’s super frustrating and never had any problems at all with any other Samsung phones.

However, I didn’t buy a warranty on it so now the lines are there to stay. I should have bought a warranty.

That being said, a customer rep told me the window for free screen replacement was September 2023, So I would be out of luck anyway. It’s sucks, but oh well

I think it’s a firmware thing but I guess I’ll just use it for Dev stuff now. Should last a while doing that

Hopefully this isn’t in the EU. Didn’t the EU basically say you have to give user a choice for cookies?

And isn’t META (I’m sorry, FACEBOOK) in big trouble over the DMA with this, the forced pay or be tracked?

Who is mass downvoting every single comment?

A bot? lol.

Reddit is a weird place for sure

You are correct! I agree 100%.

Someone’s pockets are being padded for sure. There is no reason why rights need to be fought for so hard.

I am sure most people want privacy at maximum… even with stiff resistance we should have something kind of like the EUs GDPR in a more just world.

Sadly in the US corruption is openly rampant and allow this. And people are either tired of fighting or just don’t want to look into solutions because they have other cares to worry about. People want easy, and I’m sure given an option to turn off all tracking with one click, they would.

Clearview AI is a parasite on society and serves no contribution to the betterment of peoples lives at all, but google and these other very large corporations are also terrible.

Yep - I hate it too.

Clear view AI is just an evil company, and Walmart isn’t really any better.


Walmart was sued for using facial recognition technology and partnering with clearview AI to “deter shoplifting “, even if customers didn’t buy anything.

It makes me sick. They have pushed out all local options and now are the only game in town.

Walmart feels like they can violate everyone’s right to privacy because they are the biggest and only option.

They may have gotten your face

MacBook Pro :MacBookPro:

Most people can’t just afford to drop 800 dollars on a laptop at any given time, so I sympathize with OP wanting continued support

iPhone 12 Mini

Please look at the rules of this sub. No beta posts allowed.

I am starting to think this sub is dead with the amount of beta posts.

It’s in developer beta dammit, stop using it in your main device!

MacBook Pro :MacBookPro:

They can use opencore to upgrade their Mac OS and install apps from the App Store.

It’s probably why Apple is in such a hurry to phase out intel, but this is a solution.

It’s robot chicken.

You can find it on adult swim

Did OP have a stroke?

OP, please clarify

MacBook Pro :MacBookPro:

First impression is like maybe 2012-2013 from what I can see. There isn’t a way to tell without looking at the serial number.

Replace the hard drive and upgrade the ram, spin opencore on it and you have a good computer that runs the latest OS.

You could also install Linux on it. These make fantastic Linux machines.

MacBook Pro :MacBookPro:

For 160 bucks that’s actually not bad

iPhone 12 Mini

Unfortunately not.

If battery life is what you value most I’d get the pro/pro max that’s coming in two months. My 12 mini is starting to die real quickly.

Planning on upgrading to a max for the massive battery