So Tunisian supporters then?

I use the Miss Grape Ilcoso with a standard dry bag

I would be surprised if cloud seeding played any role in the recent flooding. As far as I understand cloud seeding doesn't gather clouds loaded with water... It just has already present clouds release their water.

But maybe you have a source showing they did perform cloud seeding before this event?

Je pense que c'est surfait, au Stade de France et sur certains sites il y aura du monde, mais pour la plupart des compétitions même si c'est salle pleine c'est pas beaucoup de spectateurs qui se déplacent (escalade, escrime, volley, etc).

Because wax is so much better than lube - I clean my new chain once, then put on the no hassle drip wax (never the wax bath stuff) and then I never clean it again... Add drip wax once in a while The process you describe is the norm and is more Hussle and more dirty - imho

Oui donc tu auras plus de 100k à 28 ans 👍

There is the usual 107% performance gap between Dauwalter and top pro men in ultra running. This isn't a good answer.

One too many anyways yes

I wonder if the failure could have happened with a mechanical one too though - it seemed to be something "inside" the main body

Zipp 303s - fantastic value with the downside of being hookless

Your point could be nuanced : * For cooling plants can be by the ocean/sea, rivers are not the only options for water. You can even pump from the ocean and build it not directly on the coastline * Cost and delay overruns seen these days are massive but on very small programs. If you iron out this learning curve on the first units on a 30 reactor program, it doesn't look the same

Novak Djokovic is in the same vein when it comes to longevity

Why do casters say "team from China" vs "South Korea" ? So annoying

On ne peut pas tant qu'on est dans l'UE. C'est l'UE qui fixe ce genre de lois auxquels pays membres doivent se plier. D'où l discussion sur le marché de l'énergie au niveau européen en ce moment, où la France essaie de rééquilibrer la situation pour EDF.

After 700c wheels and road tires, I would actually recommend a helmet if you don't already have a road "aero" helmet. Not the time trials ones, more the ones they ride in the pro tour peloton. It has huge aero effects and since you say your average speed is 30 km/h, it becomes relevant.

I'm French so I follow Victor way more than Chet. But I like Chet too he is impressive and seems to have the same type of mentality and self confidence as Victor!