lol u invited me when it was extremely late I then invited u and u didn’t join,we can run it now I’ll invite you

At the fact that you expose yourself on the internet like a pussy? And you call yourself a man😭

Funny questioning someone’s decisions when you post your penis on your Reddit account💀

Give Charles the rematch.

Bro definitely calls people snowflake and says his humor is dark humor

Nope I mean low,it’s not possible to have no stamina

Nope it’s high enough stamina,low stamina is when you can’t throw punches at all and can’t walk around at all. Hope you can figure that one out

He’s round 3 and has more than half. He’s just not good enough

Nope it’s not,i play the game all the time. All the bots downvoting me

lol u had more than half stamina left

Bro both fight like they are in slow mo

Sorry nikola Tesla mate I bet you don’t even know how to tie your own shoe

Exactly what I said and I got hated for it. Mcgregor was so popular with Irish people because he only represented them

He was holding back calling him a soy boy cuck,but to be fair Garry brought up a serious allegation