Same here. Sometimes I have to tell myself that’s enough, gotta turn the notifications off and get out or do something productive. Screen addiction is real

I have noisy kids and when I study I use ear canceling earphones and blast on white noise. It works really well lol

Oh boy. You are in for a whole lot more than you’re expecting. You can do it, but it will be the hardest thing you will have to do in your 17 years of living. Forget about owning a house, that is out of the picture right now. You need to focus on what you need to do now

Because they’re all stuck on their devices and it has hijacked their reward system. Going out isn’t as rewarding to them as it is to check likes, post snapchat stories and scroll through tiktok, or whatever kids do these days. More parents need to start limiting screen time

I pat my chicken dry and place on a wire rack immediately once done. Maybe a thinner coating would help..

How to get CRISPY fried chicken that doesn’t turn soggy immediately?Technique Question

Anything I fry in general always becomes soggy almost immediately. I’ve tried frying in vegetable oil, canola oil, peanut oil and none make a difference. I use a thermometer and make sure it reads 400 before dropping it in since the temp will drop, then try to maintain it at 350 the entire time frying. They just always get soggy fast no matter what. What can I do to get my fried chicken nice and crispy?


I think a lot of people here are missing the point. The 8 year old girl is sexualizing thongs in drawings, while destroying her own underwear to make them look like thongs. Mom said in another comment she got her seamless underwear and she still cut those up to look like thongs too. It’s inappropriate behavior. 8 year olds should not be worried about how other people sexually perceive their underwear

OP, does she have access to the internet or social media, and do you monitor it closely?

I’ve been on depo provera birth control (progestin) for the last 2 months and started bleeding non stop for the last month. Light bleeding all day every day. I’m not sure if it might have something to do with it since it is progestin only and was considered safe to use during breastfeeding by my OB


Yes, I know. But she also swallows for 2-3 minutes in early morning versus 30 seconds followed by popping off and crying any other time of the day when my breasts feel like they’re overly soft and lacking. Never used to be a problem until suddenly last week. With the pee, it’s hard for me to tell. Early morning she has 2 pee diapers that are very saturated, then after noon they all seem dry. I rarely have to change her past noon. So two diapers saturated by around 6 tablespoons each in the morning, then usually nothing after or very little. She went 8 days without a poop until yesterday, when she typically goes every 3


10-14 times in a 24 hour period (or basically every hour-hour and a half until she goes down for bed)

Supply tanking or baby going through a growth spurt?

I’m not sure what’s happening. I’ve noticed that I’m beginning to feel very empty by mid day, and baby (just turned 6 MO) wants to nurse every 1-1.5hrs for several hours until bedtime. When she nurses she only swallows for 30 seconds to a minute, then suckles, gets bored and pops off to cry. I stick her back on but she’ll just dry nurse for a few minutes before getting agitated again and popping off. Eventually after a 15-30 minute break I’m able to have another letdown and she will swallow for 30 seconds to a minute again. Eventually I can get her down for a nap, 1 hour if I’m lucky. She’s been more fussy than usual, and my supply seemed to just tank one day out of nowhere a week ago. Normally she gets a good 8-10 hours of sleep a night, but now she is waking up once at night (5-6 hours later) for an additional feed, then sleeping for another 2-3 hours before waking up for the day. My breasts feel full early morning, but by noon I’m pretty much dried up. Is it a growth spurt or is it low supply? What do I do?

Edit: no new medications or illness. I’ve been staying extra hydrated and keeping up with calories


That would be even more awkward. No grown woman texts coming daddy unless something sus is going on lol

It sounds to me like he wanted to rob you. He saw what he thought to be an easy target. A mother alone in the car with her child. That mother wouldn’t risk it with her kid in the back, easy target right? He used the “check your kid” as a dumb quick excuse and dipped before the cops showed up. I can almost guarantee it all


Most people who go into breastfeeding are completely uninformed or given false information. It takes a whole lot of dedication and effort for the first few weeks (that is keeping baby on the tit around the clock)


Just curious, did her milk come in fully before deciding it wasn’t enough? It takes 2-7 days for your milk to come in, but your baby will still get what they need during that period. It’s a process of keeping baby on the tit nearly 24/7 for the first month to establish a sufficient supply that’s in sync with their demand, and after that first month is when it starts to get easier. Source - me, I exclusively breastfeed a 6 MO since the beginning

6MO keeps rolling and getting stuck on her belly in her crib then freaking out. Is there anything I can do?Advice Needed

She rolls and gets stuck on her belly. She hasn’t figured out how to roll back onto her back, so she will start crying when she no longer wants to be on her belly. But this happens just about the minute after I set her in her crib every time. Is there anything I can do to prevent this, so she is easier to put down for naps?

I would never listen to her now, but I did like her older music between 2006-2009. It brings me back to my childhood. One of my favorites to this day is one called Tim McGraw from 2006. Wish she still made music like that

Sit on the porch for a few minutes and let the morning sunshine wake me up