Your dad was too worn out to do anything with you as a kid? In his early to late 40’s. Not sure how that’s the case. My dad is 58 and runs 5 miles per day. If he couldn’t do things with you in his 40s it’s not because of its age. It’s because he’s a gross piglet.

You are like Hal from Malcolm in the middle.

After years of struggling. I can honestly say… absolutely nothing.

If you are filing for divorce before even talking to your husband, I’m assuming he’s a piece of trash to begin with and has done other shady stuff.

Girls will only tolerate 14 inch penis’. Anything less than 14 inches they can’t even feel and they will never talk to you again.

Say out loud “I’m jealous that my girlfriend fucked our drug dealer for weed”. Then stop for a second.. and think about it from a larger perspective. Take a step back and think about the kind of people who talk and live like this. How would you view someone you don’t know if they spoke these words. Because that’s how you look. Stop living a trashy gross life.

For me it’s the direct connection between physical and mental health. No excercise equals depression.

Muscles are what moves the body. How would that metal skeleton arm still be moving and fighting. Bones don’t move themselves.

You are young and still infatuated with the relationship because it’s only been 6 months. I’m going to assume that this is your first long term relationship. Which is why you are being blinded by emotions. I’m really sorry to tell you this.. but your relationship isn’t going to last. You sound like a genuinely good guy. But are you really planning on marrying this big fat stinky greasy zit eating wildebeast? Probably not my friend. The break up will hurt. But until she can take care of herself properly she shouldn’t be in a relationship. Or she needs to find another pig man to date who’s on the same level as her. But not you my friend. Not you..

Everyone experiences bad luck in magic. But if you are ALWAYS losing while drafting… you are the issue I promise.

YouTube. I’m already making 2-3k per month with faceless channels I run. Would like to expand it

Heavyweight by infected mushroom. (The last 2 minutes especially)