Thanks! Definitely an interesting fun fact, then.

Hvordan er nivået? Hvilken rating har du? FIDE/chess/lichess?

Can’t access chess leaderboards by country. Chess Question

Does experience the same bug? When you go to leaderboards And choose either a time control or a country it just directs you to a random player profile?

Does anyone have a solution to this?


Jeg lurer på om det kan være en «k» i Kongo faktisk.

Edit: det er en «k» der, ja. Kongo.



Trippier - Lascelles - Cash - Udogie

Salah - Son - Maddison

Haaland - Watkins - Alvarez

Subs: Turner - Anderson - Lamptey - Chukwuenek

0,1 in the bank Team value: 101,7 (+0,1). 2 FT

Both Lamptey and Chukwuenek are red. Squad depths isn’t exactly amazing, but I like the XI, and all fixtures are good.

Contemplating swapping Maddison for Mitoma, to have funds to strengthen my bench next round. Also obviously considering Saka or Martinellii.


Avid sports fan, but less so in recent years due to poor health. Will usually attend big national events on finales etc.

Well, it ended up being scored 56-57, so call it what you wanna call it. Maybe we should just call it shit.

People saying this is a robbery obviously don’t understand how a boxing match is scored. It was close, yes, but definitely not a robbery. Scoring points in boxing isn’t just landing punches, it’s about defense, aggressiveness and control. KSI definitely is quick and very unorthodox, but without the point deducted this would’ve been a quite clear victory.

No, In English in general. We don’t have blueberries i Norway. What we have is bilberries (Blåbær) and bog bilberry (blokkebær).

Aha! Thanks for the explanation. Much appreciated.

Why does Eze have 3 red arrows down, does it imply he’s going down in price? If so, why?

You must be fun at parties.

I got 86 rated barella card? Thought he was 92?

Also, subject-verb agreement can be extremely tricky. In US you normally treat collective nouns as singular and whilst they are plural in British English. Even with team names (Manchester are playing tonight vs. Manchester is playing tonight) etc.

But that’s for another time :)

You’re right about “are a”. What I meant to say “a sign” not just “a”. In other words my point was that it’s wrong to say “are a sign” since “are” is plural and “a sign” is singular.

I don’t really get which part you’re saying I’m wrong about. I said that “spelling and grammar is a sure sign” is correct, that doesn’t mean that every other way of phrasing it is incorrect.

You’re saying “spelling” and “grammar” are two different things, which of course they are. But in this context they are together referring to the noun “a sign”. In that way, they can be treated as one singular subject.

It’s the same with the words “reading and writing”. They are also different things, but you would often use them together as a singular subject. For example you could say “reading and writing IS important”.

What do you disagree on? Your second sentence doesn’t work, does it? I would have said:

Either: spelling and grammar is my favorite subject (not subjects) Or: Spelling and grammar are my favorite subjects

You’re wrong. First of all, to say «spelling and grammer IS a sure sign» is correct, since they are referring to one thing (a sign). Same as how “bacon and eggs IS my favorite meal” is correct, since it’s referring to ‘the meal’ bacon and eggs.

Secondly, you can’t say “ARE a sure sign” because “are” is referring to plural, whilst “a sure sign” is singular. If you were to use ‘are’ you would have to say “are sure signs”.

So finish all the other quest lines except frenzied flame and Melina?

That’s really helpful!! Thank you! Is there a good idea to try the frenzied thing since I can undo it anyways? Will it give me any sought after items?

Well, that’s difficult to know since I haven’t read about what they do. But I feel like I want to continue with the Melina quest in forge of giants. But I also want to complete anything else as long as it doesn’t lock me out of it.