My favorite thing to do in the game. Never gets old šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

And it wasnā€™t him really. The ring is always trying to return to Sauron, it effects/infects people. SmĆ©agol killed his best friend to get it and Boromir tried to take it from Frodo. He died a hero defending his companions.

Yeah itā€™s really not good. Keep what we had in 3, NV and 4. I liked the skill books and magazines in NV a lot as well.

Shit! Forgot about him. The man who taught him how to use a damn sword šŸ¤¦šŸ»

Not in my book but thatā€™s what they say when a man touches his wifeā€™s boobs when sheā€™s asleep. Equal rights and all that right?

One of the best scenes in the game. The one with Swanson is pretty good too.

I just had that happen the other week. Went back to the title screen and it went away.

The entire mantis outfit is trash. Mantis is like Starfields Batman but the gear is ugly and white.

I just started a square map zoo and plan to do a lot of those same things. I do plan on having the large carnivores inside wire cages. Just like they do at zoos unless I can figure out a better way of doing it. Elevated paths with rocks maybe.

She can put the baby up for adoptionā€¦..

Absolutely correct. They both used U.S. military assets to make military strikes inside a sovereign nations borders that we werenā€™t in a war with to eliminate targets. That Iā€™m ok with. But thatā€™s also a case for why presidents need immunity for some of their actions.

I really like Shane, then I remember him trying to rape Lori, aiming his gun at Rick then trying to kill Rick and Iā€™m like damn what a douche šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚.

Him killing Otis to save Carl Iā€™m ok with and him threatening Dale was fine. Dale was a nosey, busy body and Shane put him in his place.

I havenā€™t been proven wrong so what am I supposed to correct?

Most countries will only allow citizens living outside the country to vote by mail.

He is awesome and did a great Job. I like Shane but some of the stuff he didā€¦Jesus

Yup and killed Maester Luwin who heā€™d known most of his life and tended to his wounds and illnesses all his life. You donā€™t get to come back from that.

Same people who simp for Shane in TWD. Yeah he was a badass but he tried to rape Lori, tried to take Ricks family, tried to kill Rick etc.

No, just referencing what I say ATLEAST 3 times a day in my plant šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

You lose rep with the lords that are friends with that lord. Completely acceptable and realistic. I always look to see who they are friends with before I chop heads. Unless their Aserai.

Thatā€™s me about 4-5 times a night at work