crocs does also make normal looking shoes.

i wore a pair of these for a few years and they were incredibly comfortable. 

Wonder Billie

that isn't what i am saying, it isn't badly designed.

Wonder Billie

that would be stupid to make that change because there are several other abilities like this that would also need to be changed. 

tassadar wall, lvl 20 ult for thrall, leoric tomb ult, Sonya lvl 20 leap ult. I'm sure there are others

this problem you are experiencing is an issue between keyboard and chair

:Bears: Bears

he has a great story too. Patriots picked him up as he wasn't drafted but cut him. then the ravens picked up but cut him. then gets a job working in construction for a month or two before the bears kicker gets injured. bears pick him up and goes on to be arguably one of the best kickers in the NFL for the next several years. 

one of ours ran for class president and rambled incoherently for like 5 minutes.  then he took his shirt off and had a dick and balls drawn on his back. a teacher tackled him when he tried to run away. that teacher was also a black belt in some martial arts and took him down pretty amazingly. 


yeah i watched the first several seasons of the US one and then when i discovered the australian version i figured i would give it a shot as well. then after watching a few episodes of it i realized just how toxic the US version was.

the problem with it is it is a little harder to watch outside of australia for most people. i am a member of a private bit torrent site so i am able to get it easily. not sure if they still do it in /r/MasterchefAU/ but there was a guy who posted each episode on his google drive account. one thing to be careful on if you do decide to watch it, there is a season currently going on and i THINK it is in the last couple weeks. so be careful of spoilers if you go to the subreddit.

several factors make it the best, though to be honest i have only watched the US and Australian versions. I've seen some of the Canadian and UK ones, but not a lot. 

1) it isn't the least bit about drama. the US version pushes the animosity between contestants. the contestants are supportive of each other. it is purely about cooking. 

2) judges are kind of dicks about bad dishes in the US version. the Australian version the judges are awesome. they have had some shake ups in the last few years. one of the originals got into a bunch of legal issues and and was fired and the other two left at the same time since their contacts were up. the next judges were also great and then one died. 

3) the skill of the contestants just seems so much higher. i imagine it is because they are looking for just people who are good cooks and not trying to find personalities that might make good TV. 

4) there are 20ish episodes each season for the US version with 1 or 2 episodes a week. there are 60ish for the Australian version with 5 each week. 

I'm not Australian so i can't say for sure but i think it's a pretty popular show there. one year a guy made a dish, drunken chicken, and the judges praised it so much that the entire country ran out of several of the ingredients because people wanted to make it. 

if you like cooking competition shows, masterchef Australia is the gold standard

a lot of libraries in Chicago have passes to museums you can check out to go for free. 

:nishkumar: Nish Kumar

my kids have a toy that plays random bits of music and this is on that. every time without fail i say, ME FERN BRADY ME FERN BRADY

:nishkumar: Nish Kumar

and there were other songs that they could not play from that rehearsal.

i believe this is at midway airport in chicago. the picture does not show the large garage style doors that are above that giant opening.

yeah but the stupid people are able to connect to other stupid people. and then other stupid people see them talking about stupid adjacent things and the first two stupid people get a new stupid friend.

stupid people used to be afraid to let out their stupid ideas. 

if Jesus could go SSJ longinus never would have gotten his spear anywhere near him

if you have a good strainer, Brazilian lemonade. put about 10 whole limes in a blender, maybe a cup of water, a could handfuls of ice, a can of condensed milk, and sugar to taste. blend it them strain it. 

i knew someone that happened to, got the last hot dog outside a college football game. guy got arrested and a cop ate the hot dog. now the person i know was definitely very drunk in public and i can only imagine a total asshole about it because that is who he was (and probably still is).

that isn't even close to some of the weirder regional colloquials. in parts of the Southern US there is a term for when it rains and is sunny, the devil beats his wife. 

my fridge was similar when i started dating my wife and she told me she thought it was kind of a red flag. i pointed out that i lived across the street from a grocery store. i went every other day pretty much. got what i needed for that day and the day after so all my meals were fresh. i really miss living across the street from one. 

hard disagree. the ron perlman ones looked like a cartoon character, not that that is a bad thing. but the david harbour ones looked like hellboy from the comics and fit the setting so much better. now the movie sucked and the ron perlman ones were very good.

  use rendered bacon fat

i fry the inside part of my sandwiches with this. 

that movie was so bad. i worked at a theater when that came out people would ask me if it was good. i told them we should pay you to see this movie instead of you paying us. 

hierarchy and i have to type it a few times a day for work.