Generally, more variety in the gold saucer. Like different versions of each event.

You're giving me hope.

Thanks, guys. I think I might continue for now.

Fun analogy. This describes my experience pretty well, haha.

Oh yea, I completely forgot about that, haha. Thanks for the nostalgic reminder

Never got into Sly. The only thing related to Sly I ever played was the demo that came with UYA. And i played that dhit 20 times at least.

Wenn du mir jetzt noch erklären kannst, inwiefern das ein antifaschistisches Statement ist, lass ichs durchgehen

I've basically seen every nook and cranny of Darksouls 1, played Bloodborne, didn't like it, played DS3, never even really tried to beat soul of cinder or gael because i just got bored. I've played about 1k hours of eldenring at this point, and I can't get enough of it. This game is just something special, man.

leben und leben lassen. also alle.


This is more of a shitty tattoo...

Ganz sicher ist er nicht links.

If you're usually a 3, that's not a bad deal.

Why can't he move the King to H2?

:raven: Raven

I really wanted to care about this game. There is a lot great about it but also so much bullshit.

Chadtopian Citizen

This is Kerry Eurodyne and the Us Cracks from cyberpunk2077

Hey, it ... probably doesn't roll away!

Yea but it felt weird to do it the other way