Certified Proctologist [23]

NTA! It’s on your sister to find her own babysitter.

Certified Proctologist [23]

NTA. It’s better to get egg on your face for calling one time too many than having your neighbor end up as the subject of a true crime story.

There’s always Cottage Pie, which is made with ground beef; or Shepherd’s Pie, which is made with ground lamb. Both of them use mashed potatoes as the topping, with whichever meat mixed with peas and carrots and a sauce that gives the meat and veggies some flavor. Ground lamb is not the cheapest meat out there, but it’s the difference between a true Shepherd’s Pie; and a Cottage Pie made with ground beef.

My husband once made a variation that he calls Stalker’s Pie that he made with ground venison we got from the food bank. They’re all very tasty, whichever meat you use, and all are very filling.

Princes of the Universe by Queen. I keep getting a Highlander vibe from this picture.

Certified Proctologist [23]

NTA. If y’all wanted to be real assholes about it, you could always start playing Baby Shark every time she gets loud while screwing.

Certified Proctologist [23]

YTA. Taking her money and spending it on yourselves is not teaching her financial responsibility; it’s theft. If she really wanted to be an AH about it, she could make a whole lot of trouble for you.

Certified Proctologist [23]

NTA. Tell MIL that you are doing what you were told by the kid’s doctor, and that she needs to keep her unwanted opinions to herself.

Certified Proctologist [23]

NTA. Your MIL is not the best person in the world to be around, and hubby needs to grow up.

Certified Proctologist [23]

NTA. I wouldn’t want someone who was constantly putting me down at my graduation.

Certified Proctologist [23]

The original Dune movie was directed by David Lynch, but in 1988, when they aired the movie on TV, it was an extended cut that aired over 2 nights and didn’t have the opening monologue with Princess Irulan, but instead had a series of stills at the beginning with a voiceover by Frank Herbert and scenes that weren’t in the original cut that was released in theaters. Lynch hated this version, and invoked the Alan Smithee credit even though his name was already on the theatrical release.

I’m not surprised that there are people driving around with expired tags. From what I’ve heard, during the pandemic lockdowns, enforcement of that kind of thing wasn’t really a priority. I’ve seen cars in my state with expired tags that go back to the first lockdown.

Certified Proctologist [23]

YTA. You might have had good intentions, but you know what they say about good intentions…

Think about how she acts. Sometimes you can come up with a name from the cat’s personality.