
I have a full time table security guard. 🚨 🚓

Haha poor thing someone send nip ASAP

Lmfao that's great. Hahaha I love you people

Also thanks for being good cat parents. These animals really do only deserve the best. Have a good week

I save all mine in a little Ziploc bag. I have no idea why I just can't throw them out lol

Bath her with dawn dish soap. Has to be regular dawn. Don't use any scented ones. Gently rub her/him down warm water and soap. Make sure you have a fine comb and comb though babies fur. Formula maybe. Do not give regular milk. Kitten formula only. After a fresh weeks try little bits of wet food mixed with water(pate works best for kitten soup) then add love and a hug or to and you have yourself a loaf

Sorry brother. The end of suffering can and will give you relief. It will take time. But with that time comes solice and peace. I hope this finds you well and never give up my fellow human being.

Haha spreading them chickens 🍗

I hope you get to take him in! He's a ham

I love their names! My oranges name is honey dew

I'm sorry he's gone. I understand 100 percent what it's like. I wish I could bring him back to you. It dose get better with time. Rip

Beautiful baby! I love the tags lol

I'm glad it went okay for this baby. Get better soon buddy

Stunning. That's the only word I can use!

Hahaha thanks for sending this. She's beautiful. Ofcourse she counts!