City only winning three of these in 54 years is not something I would've guessed.

DR's kampe vises heller ikke.

Der er vist ikke rigtigt større udendørsarrangementer længere. Problemet er at nogle få idioter begynder at smide med ting, hvis kampen ikke forløber som håbet. Det er pisseærgerligt, men bare et af de der tilfælde hvor meget få ødelægger det hele for rigtigt mange.

Why yes, Mr. account made today, I desperately need this in my life. Do you perhaps have a totally benign link to share?

Hvis du har knasterne til det og er villig til at bruge dem har HW Larsen en japansk udgave, som burde klare formålet.

This is one of those "Warning: Don't engage with me" tattoos.

Det er vist ikke sådan hverken bandekriminalitet eller strafferet fungerer.

Zinchenko must be hilarious, seems like they all choose him.

I think you're absolutely spot on with much of this - namely how the end goal of the psychiatric system is not making sure your needs are met, but rather to find out what they can give you to get you back on the job market. They'll wrap it up in talks about how "self-sufficiency is empowering" and that "a workplace is important to form and practise social relations" and other such bullshit.

Your treatment plan sounds excellent and I'm sure it would have such an immense impact that much less medication, if any, would be needed to have a fulfilling life. That being said, some of my most severe episodes have been during the times that I've been most secure when it comes to income, work and relationships. They can just creep up on you for no reason at all. It's terrible really.

Good post, I'm taking some of this to heart.

Regarding your last paragraph (sorry, I don't know how to copy+post on mobile), I think that's a very good and interesting question that I've given a lot of thought myself. If I take all my medication religiously, then I function in a way that I no longer meet the diagnostic criteria for bipolar disorder. If I stop I'm royally screwed and right back to the "episodes", as they call them. So am I still mentally ill? Of course I realise that this isn't comparable to transitioning, so I cannot give you a good answer to that. But the thoughts are interesting.

I'm not sure I quite understand the dichotomy between mentally ill / healthy here. There is a vast spectrum within each and every diagnosis, and some function well enough to toil in the mines and others are so crippled that they can't leave the house. Some are medicated, some receive therapy and many both. And all of them are of course much more complicated than whatever you can boil down their conditions to be.

I understand being critical of the psychiatric system - believe me. But I wouldn't be here today without it. Nor would I function as relatively well as I do without the medication they give me. I'm always down for some capitalist critique and your points are sound, but I can't see how it's fascist. But I'm very willing to learn.

Well I think it would be reductive to call anything = mental illness. But classifications are necessary to give the proper care and do the right research. If you insist on classifying transgenderism as a purely somatic disorder, then the treatment will always be the same. Treatment of the body. If all you have is a hammer then everything is a nail. And I think that's a problem.

Not all transgender individuals are suicidal. Not all people with schizophrenia, bipolar or personality disorders are suicidal. But they all have in common that the suicide rates are much, much higher than the median. And much research shows that if people with these disorders receive the correct care and treatment, their rates will fall to the average rates. And I think that it's a problem if hormone treatment therapy will become the go to treatment for very young people. I do realise that many (most?) have no regrets later in life, but we need proper screening. Who is going to perform that screening? A GP?

That I'm offended by this was a tongue-in-cheek remark that didn't come out well. But I do think that it's remarkable that they're so fiercely opposed to this and it does beg the question: What's wrong with having a mental disorder?

Having a feeling that you have the wrong body and needing treatment of any kind is and will be a mental disorder. You can make any definition with fancy academic speak for it, but it's still a fact. Your mind has an idea that is contrary to the physical reality. There nothing wrong with that. Mine does it all the time. Less so if I take my lithium.