I’ll highjack this question to just say generally and on a related note: I found that when I stay on top of my cardio that I can do my strength training longer and with more sustained intensity.

Disclaimer: I am just a lurker here and don’t have much KB experience to offer. I do biking for cardio. I would guess you could start dedicating a day or two every week to conditioning (KBs, biking, rowing, whatever) and you will see your strength training session capacity improve a lot over the next 3-6 months.

Amstrokenornprotest would only be considered a riot if there was violence against people or property. Burning down buildings, breaking windows, etc.

The issue isn’t voters switching allegiance. It is not showing up to vote.

Soviet Russia absolutely adored athleticism. Think of the training and resources that went into their Olympic athletes and teams.

Soviet Russia absolutely adored athleticism. Think of the training and resources that went into their Olympic athletes and teams.

ITT: conservatives pretending that only conservatives work hard to improve themselves

Are people panicking about recruiting? I haven’t been paying attention.

:texas: :redrivershootout: Texas • Red River Shootout

What is the Xavier Worthy Michigan story? I was checked out from recruiting around the time he committed due to having my first child…kids are a time suck.

:texas: :redrivershootout: Texas • Red River Shootout

Wait, what is that story?

Goddamnit, this is the only thing that could have made me want this color. You are a cruel nerd genius.

Comparison is the thief of joy. Just keep on making the extra effort and it will work out in the end. That is my mindset.

May I ask why you have memberships to three different gyms?

And whomever is in office when that happens will inevitably be blamed for it.

I approve this response because my fanbase needs to chill the fuck out. The exact gem of a quote for future reference is, “Ok. Cool. Hook ‘em.”

Show me any team who nails their first round picks more consistently than the Cowboys over the last decade. Statistically you cannot.

I was under the impression that the three of them take up like almost half of our cap space if we sign them for the expected amounts?

Didn’t Communist Russia treat Jews pretty horribly? It wasn’t just the Nazis.

You are too young to know how your life will turn out—how YOU will turn out. The choice is largely yours in the end. There are so many ways of being exceptional that have nothing at all to do with talent or genetics.