People need to stop treating default states as "canon"

Team Judy

I'd refrain with answering until the sequel comes out. As for now, with little scraps of info we have he looks like a literal fusion of Illusive Man and G-Man. And it doesn't bode well

No, they're just Russians, they're their own thing, they've been ravaging savages for centuries. And have the audacity to cry about how they oppose "western imperialism"

Team Judy

Hellblade and Alan Wake 2 are definitely more photorealistic games but they're more linear so comparison is not fair. 2077 will stand on its own thanks to its style and genre but there's no doubt GTA VI will be more impressive visually. Remember that Cyberpunk still, at core, a PS4/X1 game, just like GTA V was built on previous gen. Rockstar pushed the boundaries with Red Dead Redemption 2 and I'm sure they'll do it again with GTA now that they're going full PS5/Xbox SX.

After that we'll just have to wait for Orion

Team Judy

Probably. Apart from the painfully arcade-y collisions I like driving in this game actually, they did a fine job.

Team Judy

It's generally easier for consoles because you have a specific set of components you can work around with and adjust the performance of the game for. Usually the real pain in the ass is optimizing for PCs because every PC is different and you have millions of combinations, you know what I mean.

But there's also the game engine stuff. Every engine is a world on its own and not every engine is good for every type of game. Cyberpunk's development was hard at times because REDEngine was previously used for two third person RPG games, not FPS.

Also in 2077's case it was way better optimized for PCs than consoles when it launched. So there's that. I love games but I wouldn't want to be responsible for optimizing and testing them, hell no

I fully agree. She was obviously better and more experienced early on but Mark climbed higher as the trilogy progressed and in ME3 he's at times even better than Hale. His "the best" from Citadel DLC is a prime example of that

For what it's worth the female character creator is way better than male equivalent. It's easy to make a good looking and fitting Femshep while good looking custom Malesheps are scarce

Team Judy

You wouldn't be laughing if your job involved optimizing this thing

I'm not surprised it ended the way it did because it was a massive, fan-led undertaking and more often they not they appear, drop promises, create hype and the die out when creators realize what they're dealing with.


As I said in the past, it looked great, it was worth waiting for and I'd be happy if the official remakes looks somewhat close to this series. It looked like classic KotOR made with modern tech (as opposed to that ridiculously overhyped piece of crap that was Apeiron), that's the highest praise I can think of at the moment.

For my personal headcanon, he is and always has been. But that's just my version of the story.

Neither Femshep nor Maleshep is canon. He might have been the sole cover art version for the first two games but that changed. Both yours, and all those "Femshep is the only real choice" opinions are invalid. End of story

Takes like this make me regret (only for a minute luckily) I cheered when they finally started showcasing Femshep in marketing by the time Mass Effect 3 was releasing.

They are both better at different aspects and in different parts of the trilogy, they both have their ups and downs and mostly ups in Mass Effect 3. And while my canon Shep will always be Sheploo (I played as Femshep only once and I liked it) I absolutely can't stand when either one of them is presented as "better" option.

I'm very inclined to welcome all those who complain about Squad optimization to try out Squad44. Their minds will open

It's all but confirmed the launch fiasco completely derailed their plans. Some of it was probably minor support, updates, mini DLCs and such, but also larger stuff, of which only PL survived. As for now I think the biggest question is how much of those initial plans survived and got transferred to Orion preproduction. Because it's safe to say at least some of it did.

We can only speculate at the moment but personally I think they decided to go with Phantom Liberty story, as opposed to anything else, to leave 2077 endings ambiguous so any potential continuation, direct or not, would happen in a full sequel. Not just an expansion

First of all it's obvious that romance endings in Phantom Liberty were written to be disappointing primarily to balance things out with V saving their life. You're getting the confirmation that recovery is possible but the price is the people you care about ghost you. I think it feels forced but I get it, CDPR just wrote themselves into a corner and had to do it this way. Otherwise why would anyone choose the uncertainty of The Star or The Sun endings?

As for plans for more DLCs, well, I don't believe Phantom Liberty was meant to be the sole expansion, no matter what CDPR is claiming. It's obvious the post release period derailed their plans.

I don't know if they saved the Moon DLC stuff for the sequel but just the mere existence of those unfinished concepts suggests they considered it, or maybe even considered a post-ending expansion.

Also it's worth noting that those moon DLC plans leaked all the way back in 2021. So maybe they dropped it altogether. Either way, plans change.

It's certainly not as male-dominated hobby as it was 10-15 years ago. You don't even have to search for statistics, it's visible online.

I'm not sure if it's a false impression but I think Dragon Age might have quite a big female audience. Maybe not equal to male but I'm fairly certain it's not a minority. And if it is, it's a vocal one.

Team Judy

Dude just asked a question and you're coming up with this doomism. Chill. There are worse questions floating around

NATO - Russia war would be mostly one sided only during the later decades of the Cold War and especially after Soviet Union dissolved. Russia is technologically behind NATO and no amounts of meat waves and armour rushes will stand against an aerial dominance. On which NATO bases its doctrine.

Before that though, for few decades after WW2, I wouldn't be so sure. Soviets could have had an advantage back then. Eventual conventional war would probably still end in a stalemate but it definitely wouldn't be one sided