I wish politicians would spend their time getting the message out about what they plan to do if elected. That’s literally all I care about. This bashing of the opponent feels very American to me.

I wish politicians would spend their time getting the message out about what they plan to do if elected. That’s literally all I care about. This bashing of the opponent feels very American to me.

When I was single…. Do whatever I want. Whenever I want. Check in with no one. I took a ton of courses I’d always been interested in and got heavy into hobbies I always wanted to try. Life with my fiancé isn’t that different from my single life but the ultimate freedom of being single should be enjoyed while you have it 😊 no matter how good the relationship there will always be some form of compromise at some point and you can’t be selfish the way you can when you’re single.


Omg I relate. I’ve been trying to train my hair to go at least 3 days and it’s been months and it still looks gross on day 2. I’m not alone 🥹

It was super disappointing for sure, but for what it’s worth, not for one second did the fact he’s Nigerian come into my mind as a reason for him doing it. Men of all colours can be shitty and some of them seem so nice to start, like SK. It sucks so much, but for me at least it didn’t negatively impact how I see Nigerian men as a whole.

Maybe I’m too idealistic but I like this 😊 people in communities should look out for one another, I would definitely appreciate knowing someone had my safety in mind if I saw this

I’m sorry so many people have weirdly decided to make your sex life their business. People who shame and try to control other people are pretty miserable humans, in my opinion. Their lives are so empty they fill them by focusing on other people and passing judgement on what they do.

People are looking for a reaction from you because for whatever reason making you feel bad gives them a thrill. Don’t give them the satisfaction. Look at them like you would look at paint drying (holy f*ck how boring) when they say literally anything about your sex life, and don’t respond. They’re boring. Treat them that way. Tell them to get a hobby.

Act like I can’t hear them and walk away/to an area where there are lots of people. Put my keys between my knuckles if I have them.

I think people who do this are rude, quite frankly. They’re more interested in listening to themselves than having an actual conversation. Every now and then everyone will get excited and accidentally do this, but a man who is actually interested in getting to know you will listen to you instead of speaking over you. It’s not something I tolerated for long when I was dating.

My 2 cents

I know you already made a decision, but here to say, right decision 😊 people really appreciate thoughtful gestures and I think people should do things like this more often for others

Lip injections and her eyebrows look better.

Female anger has been shunned the way it has because it’s so powerful and men are afraid of it. I grew up with 3 brothers and one in particular liked to call me “aggressive” and go “woah!!!” and act scared of me anytime I got angry. I’m 35 and he still tells me I “have an anger problem” anytime I rationally express any kind of negative sentiment towards him. It’s so infuriating. But it’s his way of dismissing me completely so he doesn’t have to look at his own shortcomings. I have to remind myself people who can’t understand and handle well placed and reasonably expressed anger are the ones who have the problem. Not me. Swallowing and internalizing our anger only hurts us. Personally I’m tired of taking things on myself that should be on others, especially when those others would never even think for a second to do the same for me

I have 2 kinds of bodysuits, the ones with snaps and no lining, I wear underwear. Some come with lining like a swimsuit, I wear those ones without.

If people don’t want their shit behaviour broadcast to others then they shouldn’t behave shitty. I am 1000% in favour of women being extremely open and candid with one another for the sake of safety. You know the difference between gossip and important information.

The name of the game when you’re in Alberta, especially shoulder season, is LAYERS. Literally bring outfits for any of the 4 seasons and you’ll be covered 👍🏼

I think when you are in your thirties and your friend has ALREADY made a decision, offering anything but friendly support is kind of pointless. All it will do is cause a rift and make them feel judged. Your friend is an adult. Which means she gets to make decisions the way she wants to, and it doesn’t really matter if you would make a different one. This is kind of a weird phenomena that needs to die when women leave their teens and enter adulthood, we are so wrapped up in each others decisions when we are young, we don’t understand boundaries. When people don’t ask for your advice or opinion, don’t offer it, even under the excuse of “but I’m being a friend”.

If they are in physical danger this is the one time I think it’s ok to make an exception. this case I don’t think you were in the right place saying anything. Just be there to support your friend and be happy for her.

Using the words “abrasive” or “aggressive” to dismiss a woman who is asserting herself in a perfectly reasonable manner

So I had a guy I dated in my twenties (22-25) reach out to me on LinkedIn 8 years after we broke up, and 7 years into his marriage. We dated for 3 years, so it was much more significant than the 2 weeks you mention.

I found it: presumptuous and arrogant that he thought he had such a huge impact I needed his apology (dude way over you, don’t even think about you), and super out of line and disrespectful to his wife.

Trust me, this girl isn’t carrying feelings about you 12 years later but you should get some therapy so your feelings about her 12 years later don’t mess up your marriage.

Hi!! Welcome! I also really love this sub. It’s one of the only ones where I can comment and not be attacked (had someone come at me for saying “my lane” instead of “a lane” today). The social media world can be toxic and depressing and I’m grateful for safe spaces like this one.

Chances are most lakes are still going to be frozen. Peyto was completely covered at the end of May last year. Usually you get that blue really starting in June.

One of the best things I ever learned to do is stop caring WHY people are shitty, and just staying away from them if they are. Who cares why? It’s not your problem. It’s theirs.

Oh man that question is a little too loaded to get into it. Society fosters negative competition among women, to put it in very simple terms.