Happy for him, he deserves to play on a team that can hopefully do something with him.

:chi-1: Bulls

We all know Kyle Anderson is the biggest piece of the pie to come from this trade.

Glad that DeRozan can hopefully go onto a team that can contend, a trade where everyone wins I feel.

What are some of the biggest "almost" trades and signings that have occurred?

What are some examples in the AFL where it seemed all signs were pointing to a player heading to a certain club only for it to not happen in the end??

The most recent one I can really think of was Lobb nearly heading back to GWS in 2021 but being held to his contract, only to leave and go to the Western Bulldogs the next year.

:fremantle3: Dockers

God that play on is still so fucking funny.

:fremantle3: Dockers

Yeah, this isn't going to be a good game.

:fremantle3: Dockers

Because we never win the games that we should, it's always the games we should lose we come away with the four points.

:fremantle3: Dockers

Yeah look think we drop this game.

I will say on a serious note I may not enjoy them at all but I am happy for the both of them.

Would rather have them on TV over the likes of DIY or New Catch Republic, at least these two have character and charisma.

Of course they do, but the thing is, what's the use in being a good wrestler if there's no substance to your character?

I mean at the end of the day it's enough for him to be one of the most over acts in all of wrestling, so it's working.

Eh Dragunov has always been a guy that was built up from taking losses but still continuing to fight.

They were a good low card team, I would have done a lot more with them.

:fremantle3: Dockers

Fremantle haven't been interested in him in months.

:fremantle3: Dockers

And from what I hear the club haven't been even interested in him for a while now, we don't need anymore key forwards.

:fremantle3: Dockers

Thank God we can finally put the "McDonald to Fremantle" rumours to bed.

Best outcome for all sides.

Nothing says "chance" like a couple of weeks of promos, losing a match and then being off TV until they repeat the cycle.

Because that's been his booking in a nutshell.

What he needs is consistent booking, I don't know why people expect Kross to get over when his formula has been "Come across as a threat in promos but lose all his matches."

That Kingston match was the first match he won in about a year and they couldn't follow it up with having him beat Woods, lack of consistency has been the problem.

He's starting to get over as a heel though so I guess better late than never.

Yeah I can't say that "British man who breaks fingers" is much of a gimmick.

I don't think his gear does him any favours.

I mean neither of them have much charisma, but at the same time they seem to be Triple H favourites from his time in NXT.

I'd say this is the most likely answer.