Pay off the loans. The interest rate is high and you can start investing in your 30's and still be good for retirement. Even the pros say so.

She should bow out of summerhouse now. I mean she is only fun to watch when drunk.

This is all wrong. Is it a fixed rate or variable? You should not see a change like this especially to that degree. Check the terms. Also, when paying more specifically note you want the excess applied solely to principal. If not they will just keep extending due date of the next payment.

You have created this monster so you should now tell him you are leaving if he does not pull his shit together. He brings nothing to this relationship.

I would tell him that you are no longer contributing to the mortgage and will be opening your own account and not depositing into the joint. You will split the other bills but not the mortgage, taxes or HO insurance until your name is on the deed to the house. Why should you. It is either both of your home in his mind or not. Call his bluff.

The people telling you to pony up more money are wrong. You are giving him what he listed the house for. There is no bidding war that justifies his counter and the last offer was below ask. Sooo you hold all of the cards. Your counter is NO to both of his requests. Either he wants to sell or he doesn't. It looks like he doesn't so stop wasting your time.

You will not regret this decision. Be proud of yourself for doing something hard and not just staying out of fear.

Just call in sick those extra two days. If she is so valuable then firing her is not an option.

Apply to district attorney offices and be a prosecutor. It is the best of both worlds. You make the offers and decide which cases to take to trial so if a defendant deserves a break, you can give one and vice versa. It was my first job out of law school and I did it for 12 years. The trial experience alone makes you marketable in any area of the law.

Stick to your guns on this as he is scamming you. There is no world where after the repairs you would ignore them when appraising the home. Force a sale if he refuses to use FMV in today's market based upon the house in its current condition.

Get an estimate to fix and give it to the parents. When they balk, sue them in small claims court for the money. Film the teens damaging the siding with baseball so you have evidence for court. They can't just shrug their shoulders and say oh well, suck it up. This is your home and you have to speak up and protect it. Ask the parents if they are ok with you throwing a baseball at their homes' siding.

I mean come on. You want to stay with a man who wants to dictate who you can speak to? He has so little respect for you that he controls your friendships and in doing so is telling you I don't trust you. He is not goofy or fun and is like talking to a wall...your words. What are you thinking?

I am sorry but this is pathetic. You are paying him to be his maid. Get a grip on your life and move on from this unhealthy relationship.

I have a black sink in the kitchen and I love it. Hated the stainless steel as it never looked clean. I have had it for 7 years now and no scratches. It is a matte graphite. Never looks dirty.

I work to civilly confine sex offenders who have already served their sentences but who suffer from a mental abnormality. It is not a criminal prosecutor position but civil although I was an assistant district attorney for 12 years before that for the county. There are so many different attorney positions in your local, county, state and federal governments that have nothing to do with criminal or even entail you ever really having to goto court. There are also options to prosecute in state jobs as well such as working for attorney generals office as well defending civil suits against the states.

I am type B. I am a state attorney. It is low key, pays well, great benefits, a real work life balance (I never work past 5pm or weekends) and a pension. Get away from firm life except of you start your own. I do deal with some crappy, stupid Judges and some bad attorneys on the other side but I just make the best argument I can and try not to let them bother me.

I would be out there with a sledge hammer breaking the concrete and taking back my yard. The insanity of your neighbor just claiming your property is wild. I would not even have a conversation with them before hand. Let them pay for a survey and prove ownership. When they can't I would sue them for damaging my yard.

Not me. Work as a lawyer for the state so we have it off. Sorry!

Why not just text her what you posted here about wanting to make your own decisions. No need to meet in person.

You can do anything for a year. Take it and vest and decide after that if the drive 3 days a week is a deal breaker.

Why do you get 800k and the pension? Isn't the 800k the number you can take instead of the pension? Sorry just confused at how your state/city can afford this.

Swallows has the best wings. They are not expensive so they don't need a wing night.