SnappinTurluh Forever

I hope she tries. I HOPE SHE TRIES. He will shut her down so fast.

SnappinTurluh Forever

I'm glad that I am not the only one that remembers Al's contribution.

Truly one of my fave lines in all of music. It is so funny

Hi Clyde. We had a Clyde but he was a tabby tuxie. You look like a good boi just like him

SnappinTurluh Forever

Poor Celine. What a horrible affliction.

SnappinTurluh Forever

He's is SO over it.

They seriously pumped up the fake applause as she took the stage.

Amazing that she hugged the trophy girl but not Celine.

I am so sorry. I too have an invisible disability and it is so tough. I hope you get through your shift the best you can. And absolutley, this needs to go up the chain of command if you feel safe to do so.

SnappinTurluh Forever

fr which is one of the reasons that line makes me snort. I mean c'mon. If you want to appear erudite at least drop the Plinys.

SnappinTurluh Forever

She's no Aristotle. In fact, the more I listen to her interviews now the more I realize how full of bullshit she is. Pretends to be intellectual.

SnappinTurluh Forever

Catch a ball. It is going to be interesting to see how he does once preseason starts because he has done nothing to prepare for the season.

SnappinTurluh Forever

I am so sorry. Your anger is justified. The world is so fucking unfair.

He has the most intense look. Nose to nose. Hahahaha. Brats. His sister is a bit zaftig and we are trying to lose a bit.

Nik, get down. You'll get food when I want you to get food. Have you forgotten yet again who has the thumbs in this house? Me: almost every morning. The best part is he lets his sister eat first.

Is he going on an ad vent chur?

And if you're a collector, me not you, figure your, again me, shit out. I'm thining my collections to the items that I love the most. Same with my clothes. And kitchen stuff.

For clothes, housewares, etc I am trying to lean into LGTQIA groups. Esp for the youths that might have nothing. My challenge is that I am unable to drive. Want to help but don't know how? Help a disabled friend pay it forward! Social Media has made thrifting the thing to do right now which drives the prices up so I prefer to give to specific organizations.

For my treasures? IDK, I love them so. I have decided that I can't have any more. I must be happy with the ones I hAVE.

Any tips on how to obtain the sample? Mine are supposed to have "russian blue" from their mother. I have observed some rb traits in them and I am intersted to determine if they are part rb or I'm a cat lady and I'll still believe what I will believe.

SnappinTurluh Forever

Again, MOTHER MASTERMIND, MASTERminding as one does. This is the plan to get TS both an E and a T. Musical remake of the Runaway Bride on Broadway that is then adapted into a movie. Remake is sprinkled with lorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeee.

SnappinTurluh Forever

MOTHER is dropping the easter eggs in Dublin. BDT flew in mid-set where he then hung out with Julia Roberts who was a runaway bride IRL and in the movie. YW Tree