There is also one off drake and college, in the Whole Foods parking lot.

Dobie passed away last night from hemangiosarcoma. It was very sudden and unexpected.

He was the bestest of good boys.

If you were buying a grocery store sushi roll, it likely is American. The California Roll, Spicy Tuna Roll, and many others were created in America in the 1960s. source

The nostalgia hit real hard with this one

My pasta salad always has:

  • Raos spiral pasta
  • Grilled Zucchini
  • Grilled Bell Pepper
  • Artichoke Hearts
  • salami cubes
  • Parmesan

Honestly, it's a good starting point if you're looking to get into office jobs. I couldn't get any job that wasn't in food service for the first 10 years after graduating from college. When I was offered the job at the UPS Store, I had also received an offer driving for the food bank, which paid $5 more an hour and came with full benefits; but I chose to work at the UPS store because I knew the other job would keep me in menial labor jobs. I ended up managing that store for 2 years, quit right before the Christmas rush (because F that noise), and was able to get a different job working for the billing department of a software company. 2 years working there then I move to my current job where I manage the office of an independent construction company. In 4 years, I went from making minimum wage and no benefits, to being a salaried employee with a decent wage and full benefits.

The UPS store is definitely not a career, but it can help build your resume to get you a career.

Just my 2 cents....

EDIT: forgot to mention: my current employer was a mailbox customer there. I didn't realize it was him when I first applied for the job, but I think knowing me and seeing my work ethic helped me beat the other candidates.

This was the first name I thought of when I saw him!

I worked at a UPS store 5 years ago, and had a few elderly people come through in the process of being scammed. What always surprised me was when I advised them that this might not be legitimate, they would always be disappointed and say something along the lines of "I knew something didn't seem right." I get that they wanted the promised reward in the scam, but why the heck would you take the risk of losing tens-of-thousands of dollars if you had an inkling that something was off?

Love it! So cheery, yet practical.

In a perfect world, all people would be able to see Trump for what he really is. Unfortunately, I personally know many people that (for whatever reason) believe his multiple indictments and scandals are false persecutions brought on by the radical Left, and that he won the 2020 election. Even when confronted with facts (I.e. "what about his call to Georgia?") they claim he's being unjustly prosecuted, and the evidence is being manipulated to obscure the truth. I've honestly given up on these conversations - it's not worth my time or sanity. But I will vote, and I will never again underestimate the rampant stupidity that's taken over this country.

I thought there was no way he'd win in 2016 (and laughed hysterically when he announced his candidacy). Please make sure to vote. Not only can we not take any chances, but the more people that vote against him, the more damage we do to his fragile ego.

Thank you! I absolutely adore your color choice, but my skin tone is a bit too red to pull that off. I noticed you mentioned gradient change issues and thought that I should mention with the Scheepjes cake, all of the gradient changes on my dress occurred naturally on its own in just 1 skein of yarn (dress size was small). I had a bit of trouble finding what to wear under the dress, but eventually found a $10 black slip on Amazon that works perfectly. Enjoy showing your work off, I know you'll get tons of compliments ❤️


Yay, we're dress twins! Did you use Scheepjes yarn for your dress?

Return this back to the tribe. It belongs in Texas as an artifact, not on some shelf in Fort Collins as a forgotten knick-knack.

I love Strasbourg, and am hoping to go back next summer! What bar is this?

Yes. It was the episode where the gang goes to sexual harassment training....

Braised Short Ribs are great!

1)Approx 2.5 lbs. Short ribs, cut English style. Heavily season with garlic powder, salt, and pepper - sear on all sides in 2 tbsp. of vegetable oil until brown. 2) remove short ribs to a plate and add mirepoix (chopped: 2 ribs celery + 1 yellow onion + 1 carrot). Saute to soften (about 5 minutes) then add 2 tbsp tomato paste and saute for an additional 2 minutes. 3) add 1 cup red wine (I used a Spanish Rioja), scrape up brown bits from the bottom of pan. Allow to simmer for 3 minutes, then add 2.5 cup beef broth and aromatics (I used 2 sprigs rosemary, 2 sprigs thyme, 1 bay leaf. 5 crushed garlic cloves). 4) cover pan and put in over at 325F for 2 hours. Increase heat to 350F, and cook an additional 30 minutes. 5) remove ribs to a warm place and strain braising liquid, discarding the aromatics. Braising liquid came to out 1.75 cups, which I used to make a gravy (roux base of 2 tbsp. bacon grease + 2 tbsp. flour).

Serve with gruyere/roast garlic/thyme mashed potatoes and oven roasted cauliflower

Other favorite recipes include: coq au vin, Emeril's Chicken & sausage gumbo, Filipino Chicken Adobo, Fried Chicken, Chicken Noodle Soup, beef chili...and the list goes on and on.

As for color choice - it's up to you! My kitchen has some really ugly laminate counters that have teal in them, so all my pans compliment that with various shades of blue (Caribbean, Marseille, and the now retired Marine color). If I had a more neutral kitchen scheme, I would have gone with an array of rainbow colors, but as my kitchen stands now, a red or purple pot would look out of place.

Welcome to the club!

I don't blame them; it's not even my kid, and I found myself crying after watching this video. As for Buen - I hope he gets a long sentence amongst the general population. The way Buen hopped onto the hood of the car with his gun draw shows he wasn't looking to deescalate the situation or ensure the safety of Christian - he was looking to play cowboy and discharge his firearm. He is the epitome of a disgusting pig.

It's real - I bought mine from LeCreuset for $100 6-ish years ago. Congrats on the find, this is one of my favorite pans. Great for trout on the stovetop, or roasted veggies in the oven.

I use these all the time, and I have found that poking them in the butt with a thin stick trough the airholes in the trapdoor gets them to leave

My spoo was (and sometimes still is) extremely clumsy. Their paws are too big for their body, and during their first 6 months, they grow so quickly they fail to realize their new size. Some poodles exude poise and grace, others...not so much.