Yes, he has said he likes Utah but he's also said he wants to compete and win.

If/when Jazz is blatantly tanking this year, you can bet your ass that isn't going to make Lauri happy.

The Newsroom is a very recent show. It might be "crazy" how relevant it is if you're a teenager but if you're over 25 years old, none of that is shocking. US politics have been in this trajectory for decades now with some clear watershed moments every decade or so (Gingrich revolution in 94, 911/Iraq War in 01-03, Palin and the Tea Party in 08-09, Trump and MAGA in 2016).

The proportion of those people to reservists is tiny.

Sure, you'll best them most of the time, but we're talking about 100 percent of the time here. There is absolutely no way you beat a 1300 every single time.

I'm sure Ainge is seriously considering it and surely wants to do it if he gets an offer he likes. Keeping Lauri makes almost zero strategic sense given where Jazz is in their rebuild.

Now, I do think the ownership is probably a bit more hesitant because they like having Lauri as the face of the franchise for now. So I'm sure the offer must be good before the ownership signs off on trading him.

I personally hope he gets traded, for his sake and for the team's sake. He hopefully goes to a playoff team and the Jazz stops being in the limbo and does an honest to god tanking season this year.

You're obviously entitled to your own opinion but if you think your subjective opinion is some sort of an objective truth, you come across like a child.


Huh? You trade away Lauri mostly for picks and they will be the second worst team in the West, maybe even the worst. Even with Lauri they're nowhere near as good as two years ago.

A very wholesome question my dude. As a father I approve of your efforts.

However, I can't really help you with the actual question. I have never come across anyone who is similar to Tom and produces even roughly similar type of content. Sure, there are travel vloggers out there, some of which could be considered to be charismatic, but none of them have the same vibe as Tom IMO.

What is wrong with you? 3,5 year old is more than capable of communicating if they're unhappy. There is nothing wrong with teaching children to accept rules such as a quiet time period with different colored lights. Oh, the horror!

I'm sorry but if you confidently say Clarkson is great for the team and has an awesome contract, did YOU even watch Jazz games last year?

Can he bounce back? Sure. But is it very likely, or even just more likely than not? I don't think so.

It would be "euro centric" if commentators from other regions always learned and pronounced the names correctly. But they don't. It's a laziness issue more than anything else.

I wouldn't necessarily say the audience that knows the movie simply as Shawshank Redemption "knows" Andy is going to escape although obviously it's always a great guess in movies such as this. But the title "avain pakoon" gives it away which is why it's a horrendous choice for a title whether the "Rita Hayworth" part is included or not.

How are you this clueless when the baby is already 9 months old?

Finland is way too high. I am a Finn and there is absolutely no chance 44 percent can "speak" Swedish in the sense that they can have every day conversations about average things in life.

Sure, 44 percent (and even more) can speak and understand some Swedish because of the schooling, but they are far from being conversational in Swedish in ant real sense of the word.

This is coming from someone who got the top grade in Swedish in the high school national matriculation examination but who has not used or spoken or listened to or read Swedish in any real way ever since.

Ryan Arcidiacono

It's been 2,5 years, not 4. I mean, that's still a huge amount of time so your point stands, but I find it funny how people keep adding more than a year to the time since he last played.

Not really true if everyone around them are first and second year players or journeymen/bums.

You're absolutely right but a lot of Jazz fans hate the idea of not having a single great player in the team, so they rather be in purgatory with an unhappy Lauri than trade him for useful assets while he's in his prime.

We're not talking about 2017 Klay, we are talking about 2024 Klay.

You're totally right, thanks for the correction.

Well, it's more like he cares about his ego and because he's not an absolute top player anymore, accusing people better than you of cheating makes his ego feel better.

I highly doubt any of this is motivated by some grander, altruistic goal even though of course he claims that because he's fragile and a liar.

I think the downvotes are because people are not usually responsible for the behavior of their employers.

This must be one of the best answers. It just feels so extremely different (and incorrect) compared to what we see in BCS. And that scene was just the two of them, and Francesca has known him a long time at this point, so there is no "Saul is putting on an act" kind of explanation available.

I think that scene contradicts BCS the most even though it is suck a minor and short scene.

It is clear that the early Saul scenes are quite different from what the character ended up being (completely understandably).

You are entirely correct, but it is not the "polite thing" to say so you get downvoted.

All these categories are of course made up to a certain degree, but if "the West" has any substantial meaning to it at all, it should be defined to exclude Muslim-dominated countries. To reject this is to be intentionally obtuse just to be politically correct.