From what I understand, the actual developers of the game were kicked out of the company, and no longer earn anything from people buying the game. Most of the negative reviews are saying to pirate the game instead.

Foul Blightspawn

It's a good use if you wanted to get 2 combat patrols (and 60 poxwalkers)

Parroting everyone else, DMC5 was my first DMC game and it instantly became one of my favorite games. Went back and played through them all in order afterwards, and also loved all of them (except 2). The weapons in all of them are different enough it doesn't feel like you're missing gameplay features, aside from the fixed camera in 1 and 3

A huge monster where you're running around fighting regular sized monsters sounds amazing.

For a while there was a big pop-up on the fandom wiki redirecting you to the new one, which made it literally impossible to use it. I assume Fandom made them take it down.

I just wish Fandom wasn't the first result in Google, but I suppose it takes a lot to beat Fandom's search optimization. Same goes for Fextralife

A small addition that probably doesn't matter here, the Asterius and Porphyrion cannot do actions and shoot, and their actions fail if something gets within engagement range.

That same logic would apply to the battleline restriction on Demonic Pact, making it so you can't bring more non-battleline even if your army faction is Daemons.

Knights meanwhile do have an example of an army rule that works even if you're allying them in: Super-heavy Walker. Unlike this loophole people are finding with the Chaos Daemons change, Super-heavy Walker is a whole separate rule that does not have the "If your army faction is Chaos/Imperial Knights" rider.

As far as semantics go this might be technically correct, but is very clearly against the spirit of the rules. If they wanted this to be the case, they would have either added it as a whole new rule like Super-heavy Walker or added it to the Greater Demon datasheets like their Shadow of Chaos aura. If people start pushing this, I would expect an update to the wording in the index or at least an FAQ saying this is not allowed.

Foul Blightspawn

Beast of Nurgle has a 60mm base, not 50.

Foul Blightspawn

There were 2 sold at the same time, one had a 40mm and the other a 50mm. Both are perfectly fine to use.

Foul Blightspawn

Felthius is the named LoC, he comes with a 40mm base but the Dark Imperium one comes on a 50mm, and both were sold at the same time. As such, either a 40mm or 50mm base works.

Foul Blightspawn

They're on 50s. Old ones might have been 40s, but not anymore.

Foul Blightspawn

In The Buried Dagger, the Death Guard were infected by every single disease known to the Imperium, as well as many other unidentified diseases. Go nuts.

In 9th edition DG's Crusade rules were all about making custom diseases to infect your enemies with.

I'll agree those people who pirate games they love and could comfortably afford are assholes. The vast majority of people who pirate games are not that type of person though.

There are regions of the world where a game costs as much or more than the average person makes in a whole week or even month, let alone the hardware to play it (Brazil comes to mind). Should those people not be allowed to experience entertainment, or should they just be allowed to go outside and use rocks and sticks to entertain themselves?

I truly don't think that there are that many of those people. They certainly exist, but everyone I've talked to either pirated a game to see if they liked it before buying, or just straight up couldn't afford it.

I think Karnivores are most definitely our best unit, even compared to Brigands. The melee damage they deal for their points is crazy, their extra 2 movement is great for doing actions/getting on objectives, putting a couple in reserves is a massive threat with Rapid Ingress, and they're the cheapest dog (that can actually do damage), meaning they're also the most durable per point.

Brigands are also fantastic of course, especially with the FAQ that says Melta isn't affect by abilities that reduce damage (C'tans). The problem I have with them is their points value is a bit more tricky to work with, at least with competitive War Dog spam lists. Maxing out Brigands typically means you need to drop a War Dog or some allies+Aura of Terror to fit them all in.

The big problem with the Executioner is the -1 AP, with cover being so easy to get it's basically 0.

In my experience the Rampager is more of a trade piece/Distraction Carnifex. Throw it into the highest value unit you can find, most likely wipe it off the board, them your opponent has to dedicate a solid chunk of their army on their turn to take it out or risk the process repeating.

Ideally it's making the majority of its points back, then tying up even more of your opponents army for a turn, allowing everything else to get into better positions with less risk.

I'd love for it to be baked into the regular counter poke, a tiny window to get an extra powerful counter.

I typically use a destruction gadget to completely clear out a chunk, then use Mekanism Teleporters to get around. Had an ATM8 server where I was able to make the star almost entirely in that one chunk.

7x7 means it can go perfectly side by side with a MA farm, so sounds perfect. Thanks!

Only just started GMing, the example character I built to show my party was a Fashionista Rockerboy. If I ever get the chance to play, that'll definitely be the character I choose.

Just one quick general question, can an AE2 system fit alright into a single chunk? On servers I like to set up my base in a single chunk to keep the number of chunks force loaded to a minimum