I won’t lie that doesn’t even make sense

I was kind of thinking the same thing. The news would be showing the military plane landing and unloading a casket and making a big ordeal. Super weird they were like btw we killed him and got rid of him. Trust us lol

I’ve heard crazy shit like getting smuggled out and submarines and stuff. Definitely interesting

To be fair it’s not out of the question. He had lots of body doubles and DNA wasn’t exactly on point. Hell look at Bin Laden. I’m sure we killed him but we were told they killed him and dumped him in the sea. 🤷

When you take your sun glasses out of the top sun glasses compartment that drops down in the car close the damn thing

I’m sorry but when you said it’s run by a bunch of alcoholics I fell out

Thank you. It really sucks for her cause she’s young. By young I meant prob not 30. I don’t think she has quite grasped how dumb it was. Doesn’t effect me but everyone literally saw this coming

My wife’s grandmother passed and she could smell the distinct smell of her cigarettes lol and at the same time the dog was just barking at the dried flowers on the wall from her funeral

Be careful of relationships. I saw my wife’s cousin piss away 400 grand on a pos and provide for his whole family in like 3 years. Money ran out and so did he