Can they pull from conveyors or do I have to dump the materials onto the floor?

Any mod or method to make the wattage of mechanized airlocks lower, like 10W or something? It's annoying trying to figure out what the max potential load is on circuits with them because they use 120W but for such an incredibly brief time it feels negligible. The game (understandably) doesn't have a way to filter them from the max potential load.

Ideally I'd make them use some mostly negligible amount of power but still consume the same amount of energy but I don't know if it is possible.

Dealing with a gym membership right now. Any advice is appreciated. Basically we saw some weird gym on our statements we didn't sign up for so we blocked it as fraud. Later we get a call from them about collections. It is a real gym that got my wife's membership when her old one closed. This is part of the contract. However we were never notified of this and the contract says when they transfer the rights to receive payment. We weren't. We also have no membership "agreement" (one we agreed to or not) with the new place, much less a contract. To cancel the membership they need all the money we "owe" them and they also claim to have no way to contact corporate despite the gym manager not being able to talk to us directly because the regional manager was there. Also their corporate number listed on their website is unmonitored and says that when you call.

I'm filing a complaint with the Georgia Consumer Protections department. I don't know what else to do. The contract was broken when they didn't notify us of being transferred (neither new nor old) and we have no agreement (agreed or not) with the new gym and no way to cancel. As far as I'm concerned this is fraud.

Any advice is appreciated. They've sent it to collections but collections hasn't contacted us yet.

I was a professional fashion model for 16 years… there’s no “thought”. If I’m approached by a photographer to “shoot” and they say it’s just a TFP thing I’m free to accept or decline based on if I think I would benefit from working with that photographer. [...] That’s ridiculous to me… no one in the industry assumes anything.

OP did not say it was a TFP beforehand though and everything you're saying about not making assumptions is precisely why they should've done so. When getting work that you normally pay someone for you need to be clear about it being free in the same way you'd be clear about the price up front.

The answer is that this sort of thing should be agreed on before you do it that way nobody has hurt feelings. She should've named.a price before and you should've said you expected this to be a mutually free thing before.

Alright, that checks out then. It could be that a load too large can damage (maybe even dangerously like a fire) the battery so maybe it is a safety thing, counter intuitively.

I think they're misspeaking. Basically it makes the battery empty too quick or the battery can't provide enough amps. You could get a beefier UPS that could power a heater, but it would need to be beefy.

I feel pretty strongly they mean 1.15x based on how World of Warcraft did it back in the day. To be honest I don't play Diablo 4, just here from r/all. I think they say +15% because it reads more clearly but the math is more clear with 1.15x because generally they're doing multiplicative like you said.

Stew, I don't want any children at all.

The sheer confusion it took me to realize me "NNID" and "Nintendo Account" were two different things back in 2017 was staggering.

so their point of view is still useful

For legal advice? You're joking.

There is no such thing as “pressing charges.” Cops sometimes ask, but they don’t have to and it’s not up to them in any case. (In the US, anyway.)

That's why I put it in quotes.

how did the guy know where she lives assuming it wasnt her uber?

She could've been lucid enough to answer the address when asked but not lucid enough to remember.

It's been wild. It used to be when my total was over $100 there was a reason. Like, "oh, we bought beers" or whatever. Now every trip is like $150

Listen, report this to the police. Your card was stolen and used fraudulently. You don't need to "press charges" but a report needs to be made so that if it happens again there is a paper trail and also it will hopefully scare your brother into not doing it again.

Listen, what OP said about wanting to be able to do stuff in the game and not being able to remember how rings true for me too. There was an Evil Genius forum but it upgraded poorly and lost all attachments so basically every mod for the game was lost. It was more for archiving and being able to find stuff.

Fuck you for saying "nothing of value is lost"

This post makes me as sad as coming to terms with EG2 sucking did. It was so bad.

I'm a fucking sucker for cheap margaritas, bottomless chips and salsa, and pollo loco and I will not apologize.

Yeah, that's probably why she asked OP where he was sleeping so she could ask to be in the plane so she wasn't exposed

Look, if I was going camping I could buy a tent but if someone told me that they have one for me I wouldn't do it. But then when the one they show me doesn't have a floor I'd be angry. It's not any harder to say "I have one you can borrow but it doesn't have a floor, is that okay?"

It shows how different x2 and 2x are as well.