
I thought he went home…..


Just needed a bit of Hawk Tua…..but what a drink/performance.

Dont mind me and my popcorns, i’m just here waiting for the versions of thiswith some greats songs and beats played over her punches……

LOL. My favorite is how the doctor/Leslie Nielsen slaps her an extra time before moving on…..what a guy.


Jeg er helt enig med dig. Han er en gammel gris men det er ikke strafbart, og efter at have set programmet virker det blæst noget ud af proportioner. Situationen med Signe Svendsen er dog helt skæv, da her er tale om et overgreb i min optik. Men seriøst, at han har sendt en sms til hende MGP-Anne for 10 år siden, er da håbløst at trække frem…..og flere af de andre er også “blot” ham der flirter med unge piger. Men det er nok til folkedomstolen i disse krænkelsesparate tider. Det var der ikke meget “den sorte svane” over.

Det er ikke et forsvar af MB for han virker som en klaphat.

Maybe some of the damage was done to a bot? I believe that killing a bot doesn’t qualify you for a 20 bomb, perhaps it’s the same with damage!?

Hope it’s just a “glitch” and you will get next time you log on.

That’s CLEAN…..in more than one way.

Correct, and don’t forget the second rule: if you see the patients phone on the floor, then always remember to make the phone a priority, even if it means dropping that persons head from from your waist with face first.

It’s ok - you can stay in the traffic jam.

Ehang just got the world first license to fly people. I had a lot of the same “concerns” but they all turned out to be wrong. I actually visited the Company a month ago - mindblowing how far they are.


Sadly they got the approval just a few weeks before my visit, ‘cause otherwise I would have gotten a test flight. That’s the future for city-transportation in mayor cities.

Yikes……That’s why China will be the first with drones transporting people.

Soo, we can’t trust people on TikTok and other social media, that can’t be true /s

I don’t know for a fact, but my experience is that solos have som sort of SBMM. I started of doing pretty ok and had a few games with 3-5 kills and some wins, then all of a sudden my sky was filled with OG divetrails and master/preds and I got destroyed for 15-20 games with very few kills. Now there is only a few divetrails again and the lobby is more balanced for my skill-level.

My lobbies are also filled with Horizons and Revenant, and both are crazy strong in 1 vs 1’s so it makes sence. But it gets kinda old real fast.

“Have you ever been to a turkish prisen?”

:ua: Ukraine

From the dutch statement: “This led to a threatening movement from Joost towards the camera.”

But hey, he was annoyed so it’s totally fine to act threathening….. /s

:ua: Ukraine

Why?? They admit it….”This led to a threatening movement from Joost towards the camera”.

:ua: Ukraine

So Joost made threats against a Eurovision-worker and the EBU are the bad guys for kicking him out??

And this is a song-competition and people are trying to stop it (storming the venue) and others are trying to make it into a political event and they are all the good guys?

Yeah, that’s bullshit. I hope for a friendly and great show!!!

The Valk could be cheating, but if she flew in she could also have gotten a marker on you and then just shot in the bush or whereever you was hidden while afk!? Other then that I partly agree with you, the SBMM seems way of when looking at amount of high skilled players my average ass go up against.