Anduriiillll Anduriiilll

When he tried to match the ranger with Anduril on his hip

Anduril on his hiiiiiippp

Devil Rays*

Mantas are primarily solitary and don’t travel in groups this big

I thought sigmas are the real men and alphas are the dickheads who think you need to be a chauvinistic asshole to be a real man…

Lol that is literally what I said.

Sorry you can’t whatabout out of it with inapposite straw men.

Holy shit, thank you for putting a name to this!

I remember watching it when I was little and being crazy disturbed by it but I never knew what it was called…

So lie right back

Don’t you cry

If an egg can fit in there, why can’t I?

Karl Malden was reincarnated into a cherry

LA County alone has a population greater than 40 states… California has roughly 68 times the population of Wyoming but only 18 times the electoral college votes so I think it’s pretty crazy how much of an impact empty rural land gets to have in this country versus the places Americans actually call home.

If I restart, I’ll be wealthy but I likely would not be with my wife or have my son.

I’ll take the $10 million and get by, far better off, with them.

Positive attribution with being a “liberal democracy” is undermined by genocide of those under that government’s control.

Stop trying to set up straw men.

Point being that “liberal democracy” is murdering tens of thousands of those subject to its control… any positive attribution associated therewith is cancelled out by its homicidal tendencies

If Israel wants to lay claim to Palestine they sure as shit should be

The ol’ “since the criminals aren’t doing enough to protect their hostages, it’s totally fine for the police to kill all of them” mindlessness.

My condolences for your logic asphyxiating in that knot you’ve twisted.

Edit: lol downvote but no response… the classic affirmation that you’re a hypocritical piece of shit, and you know it.

Seriously… is it a liberal democracy for the Palestinians currently being blown into pieces by it?

If only there were some kind of handheld device specifically designed to keep you dry when it’s raining…