Yeah they're is something wonky going on. I needed rooftiles, bought the trade route had my trwding area fully staffed set my import limit to 20 and in an entire year I only got one single rooftile.

I don't think it take that much precision. Outside of my first play through its been pretty easy. Deny his ability kill bandits and it's gg once you max out your army

Makes me wonder what is the fastest victory

It would make the local newspaper sure but you wouldn't know about it or new a video clip of the an assault at a mcdonald's 1000 miles away. We just have way more information coming in then we ever have and haven't adjusted our preserved reality to account for all that additional information.

Its like when someone who watches 24/7 and sees horrible thing after horrible thing. At some point they assume horrible this are happening everywhere all the time. People feel unsafe in safe environments.

Agreed but I think a large amount of that is due to technology

For a moment I thought you were buying juice by the pound(the weight measurement) and was going to ask for a source

Right but if i have the hunting setup before I build any bows I would like to be able to use my hunters to fight as a last resort

While we're at it. What are my hunters using to kill deer? Let's use some of that to kill bandits

Yeah I did that stupid one chip challenge and felt very high and fantastic for an hour or two afterwards

There are steps for making bread. Wheat to grain to flour to bread


I belive the body cam one was him at a gas station but I could be wrong

I had to make the ovens and fully staff them to crank out the breed. I now have over 2k for my 100 family town

I max out berries every year without a rich deposit. I currently have 0 berries, 2.2k vegetables, 1.5k bread and 467 apples with only 100 families on my current play through

But at 100 families that's only 2-3 months of food. By year 2 or 3 its still useful but can't be relied on to feed the majority of your population

Yeah but once you are 100 families its barely a blip on the radar. Berries and meat are great for the first year but when you need to feed 100 to 300 families you better hope you have veggies and bread

My recent game I couldn't build a rock quarry because of the steepness. Kinda screw me because I was thinking my manor right before the year two bandits

Elite is super fun to fly fight and explore but the game itself is a huge disappointment. The game has such great bones but there is no meat to be found.

I was the same way at least in my first few play throughs but I have gotten a lot more effective and efficient.

I suppose however I have never really had an issue with clearing out the bandits before hildebolt had a chance to kill them. You can generally have spear and retinue within the first year