Agreed. I’ve never been a fan of building yourself up by tearing others down.

My guess is he’s gonna get an, in my opinion, undeserved scolding from all the girls. He seems like a nice but anxious guy who wasn’t 100% sure JaNa was gonna stay with him or recouple so he took a gamble wanting to explore both options more since he hasn’t been with either one of them for very long.

To be fair, JaNa was also considering recoupling so I’m not sure why he’s being villainized right now.

I feel like Miguel is the only islander not taking any of this seriously and that’s why I love him

I think he has strong anxiety. I feel sad for him too, I don’t like seeing all the hateful comments towards him in here.

I’m not gonna speak my true thoughts on this because I will be sacrificed on the love island altar lol but I will say it felt like a lot of the islanders were looking for their “moment” tonight and they were determined to get it no matter what.

I wish there was a place to actually discuss this show rationally but so far it seems like the same toxic behavior goes on across all social media.

That type of behavior seems to increase the longer each season goes. Might be worse this year but it’s hard to tell. I truly don’t understand stan culture like this and it makes me want to avoid anything love island related on social media, yet here I am for some reason lol.

Pretty much every discussion here devolves down to hate and toxicity. Too many people here seem to forget that the islanders are actual people who may end up reading some of the vile stuff they post here about them.

Oh we’re gonna die here alright lol. My honest thoughts on Serena is that she never really found her person throughout the show. I don’t doubt that she might be a slow burner but she shut Kordell down pretty much immediately when the show started, and then curved him again in the dancing game. I think she was keeping herself open waiting for her ideal man to come in but he never showed up so she started to settle for Kordell.

I’ll join you in the downvotes. Some people here are acting like Kordell and Serena were in a deep relationship or something when it never really went past the friendship stage.

I honestly think this sub just gets really toxic as the seasons progress and a lot of people here want to spew hate and vitriol no matter what. Happens every year and I question why I keep coming back to read it lol. Like, I’m down for clowning on the islanders here and there but the reactions I see in here are getting ridiculous. It really isn’t that serious.

I know I probably have the dissenting opinion here but even if Kordell is getting it on under those sheets I don’t really see a problem with it. I mean it’s kinda gross to do that in general in a room full of people but him and Serena never really made it past the friendship stage, so I don’t see it as some sort of grand betrayal or anything like that.

I agree with you, this sub can get very toxic and hateful as the season progresses. Happens every year. Gotta keep in mind that these are real people, and none of them are in a real relationship. Can they be hypocritical? Yeah absolutely but exploring options and even recoupling isn’t as heinous of a crime as some people here seem to think, no matter how long they were coupled up for.

Don’t get me wrong, I love shit talking as much as the next person but some of you just take it to an uncomfy level.

Agreed. I got doxxed once by those freaks from a tweet and I immediately took the tweet down and privated all of my socials since they found some family through there. Did they win? Yeah sure but they’re complete psychos with no regard for you or those close to you so sometimes it’s just not worth fighting them.

Yeah some people here seem to be weirdly annoyed by the critiques, which from what I see has died down a bit since the devs are fixing a lot of the issues. Then when something does get fixed or reversed, I see those people here saying stuff like "There complainers it's fixed, now shut up" as if the complaints weren't the sole reason it was fixed in the first place lol. Like, if complaining and critiquing didn't work then I and many others would just give up on the game and move on but it does work so I'll keep being critical.

No shot it's Hulk, I just dont see that kinda collab happening especially at this stage. Maybe it's a Frankenstein skin.

I think he shouldn’t have said he wouldn’t kiss or share a bed with anyone before going to casa, that was dumb of him. I also think he needs someone that matches his energy so I’m happy to see that he seems to be finding that in casa.

I’m looking forward to seeing this sub flip flop constantly on how they feel about Kordell throughout this week though lol

Personally I just think it was a great concept wasted on a very easy to guess elimination. The producers had to know how this elimination would go regardless, so doing it this way just seemed pointless.

People can do whatever they want with their money that’s not my concern. Introducing challenges that require a paid skin or character is a bad sign for the future of the game and its monetization tactics. Defending or ignoring these predatory practices will also certainly not help.

  • Newly used account
  • Exclusively defends Rob
  • No other comments except for some light Leah hate

So are you family, a friend, or delusional?

Pretty much everyone assumed we would be able to complete the event for free. It's the fact that paid challenges are included at all is what's caused the deserved backlash.

Every episode I’m more and more convinced Rob is a full blown narcissist. Narcissists can be tough to deal with if you haven’t experienced it before. They have a way to make you feel like shit even when you’re 100% in the right.

Yep. I was really hoping at least one of the guys would surprise me and stand behind anyone besides Rob.

Well I appreciate the producers trying something new but this was the wrong dumping for that. No matter how they did it the results would have been the same, this just made it more humiliating for Cassidy.

In the spirit of trying something new though I would love to see them introduce dumpings in casa. Like have all the casa girls vote to kick one guy out and have all the casa guys dump one girl. Just for funsies.