JUN >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

She solos midzumi boring ass

Rogue > Psylocke > X-23 but I love all 3 of these skins I’m not putting any down just imo ofc.

:hrly1: Harley Quinn

Let us do experienced difficulty rifts on the rifts that don’t have the difficulty rift available so I can get my gems up and be ready for crushing and so on……..

Also ability to just match up and join someone. I just hope I don’t get a troll who SD’s and I lose the game. Not looking forward to that inevitability

Vommy Mommy

Because it’s a not fun to get pummelled by 50 million projectiles some of which don’t even touch me at all but somehow hits me coz dumb ass hurtboxes I guess.

If I want to encounter zoning I’ll go on a shooting game or fighting game ? Where the amount of projectiles I see there make sense… Why would I want to come on dbd and get zoned by a killer…… in a horror game. Describe to me how it’s fun?

Because I assure u he’s the most cancer infested character in this game.

AGREED. I’ve ran out of space.

I got 140+ skins haven’t even used all of them & I’ve ran out…….. it’s so annoying. Like all they have to do is add a page 2/3/4/5 etc

:hrly1: Harley Quinn

I didn’t get a single hat for cam character I actually own. Fucking joke

Vommy Mommy

I Hope it lasts years. Fucking insufferable cunt character

DUDE SAME. Literally exact same position.

I’ve done 12 bosses. I want to do more not for agent smith but I wanted the gleamium & bugs matrix skin…

I am on crushing difficulty too. Now this is gonna be major skill issues so feel free to say so but I can’t do it. Jason be multiverse Jason & WW rift on crushing difficulty is impossible. Bear in mind I have no friends that actively play this game anymore… so this leaves me with the bot & it’s absolutely useless and they regenerate health so fast because the damage I do is so little & I can’t progress or get my gems up because I can’t do the fucking level, if you do daily challenges on a higher difficulty you get more XP, doing it on experienced or level 1 = very small XP….. so what am I supposed to do? I can’t cheese, it’s impossible

And also why the fuck is the experienced difficulty not on like the rifts after 4 (I think it’s 4 and onwards) that is so fucking stupid??? You are supposed to give us many options and routes to get to the goal of agent smith and there bonuses…. They made it ridiculously hard for no reason, I’m not against grinding but what ever this is, it’s too much. Fortnite does it best. When it does mini passes you don’t have to do every quest & they offer 2 routes play the BR quests or creative. 2 different ways to play and do the challenges. You offer one for people that aren’t the best at shooting & one for the shooters. That’s great. Why can’t multiversus do the same? This agent smith grind is so pointless it’s just annoying and a waste of time. I really wanted the gleamium & bugs skin but I’m not doing level 7 & level 9 rifts I can’t beat Jason & WW on that one rift so there’s no chance for me

Xenomorph. I have 2 changes but the first one is the one I want most.

Xenomorph has 3 facehuggers in his base load out (with more allowed to be added via add ons) You can set and spawn these like how Trapper sets his traps but they have a radius, think like Freddy’s blood circle things. Upon it making contact on a survivor it will be like Victor except it will slowly drain at the survivors life with poison until the mending state if gotten off (if not it can down the opponent). It will stick on to them until they are hooked and it will go as they are hooked.

If they are fully poisoned (takes a very long time like Onyro sort of thing) Xenomorph can do a small quick Mori like Pyramid head/Onryo that just makes the facehugger implant the chest bursted and boom quick Mori.

The other change is that Xenomorph should absolutely be allowed to climb walls and do ambush attacks from above/walls and also Xenomorph will be able to put facehugger proxy camps on walls/ceilings!

FUCK this is hard.

Sega has Arle, Beat, Kiryu & Eggman.

That’s Jet set radio, Yakuza & more sonic bangers + Arle.

Or capcom

Giving Leon, Chun, Morrigan & Monster Hunter.

This is super hard but I’m going with SEGA but the both of them are incredible choices.

I would have voted for Bandai if there was a second Tekken rep or Soul Calibur in a heartbeat tho

As long as it has a fairly large roster, tag team & DLC that isn’t priced more than the game it’ll be good.

However it would be super sick if the game featured like the older games in it? Like dead or alive 1,2 & 3. I would say more but I’m unsure of the capabilities of adding more but if it had a playable 1,2 & 3 I think that would be incredible, the older games were great & it would help invigorate the love for DOA as a franchise and help show people its roots.

Really wish Tekken did that too, but that’s why it’s the perfect opportunity for DOA to do it, SF6 does too but it’s the classics that many people have already played & also have access to via SF 30th anniversary collection. However DOA does not and I don’t think there is a way to play classic DOA games unless u go to that console/emulate.

They should try expanding the DOA universe too & its lore. I’m thinking a reboot because I honestly could not tell u what the plot of DOA is & ive played all the games.

:hrly1: Harley Quinn

Agreed. They should allow us to do experienced difficulty on the ones that don’t allow it too….

Vommy Mommy

I think I have enough cakes to last until I get Lara Croft. Gonna need ALOT for her. Gonna be prestieging her up as fast as possible

Jason Voorhees

I really hope he comes. My wallet is at the fucking ready if they actually drop him.

Idk if they’d go the extra mile but if he got his own exclusive fatality too that would be so sick, like really make it like those injustice 2 premiere skins. But regardless I’m getting it and I’ll pay whatever, and I mean whatever.

Vommy Mommy

Where did I say I only play women tho? & dude people gave preferences Jesus Christ man.

Vommy Mommy

Dude I’ve been noticing a lot more slander towards sable too. It’s getting on my fucking nerves too. Sable is my favourite survivor. I play her coz I like her, like her designs, character, perks & her aesthetics. I ain’t a fucking coomer coz I’m playing her. I’m not flopping my nuts and dick out when I see her. Is she pretty? Yes. But I’m not a goon I know some exist but this can be said for anyone too. I always get called a coomer for the characters I play in other games too it’s hella annoying.

Can’t play the character I want too anymore in games these days, coz of dickhead ppl making arbitrary rules on what can and can’t be done. Ludicrous.

Vommy Mommy

They literally said that in the 2v8 discussion? They said there was a “team power” & that you would (if wraith) be able to make ur teammates invisible if within a radius of them.

https://www.youtube.com/live/GIwtIGmevQE?si=Njnxw8_c9e0oXz2Y 49:43 - team power mentioned here

The Batman Comic Book skin. Batman has a really good Fortnite model with Batman Zero & Armoured Zero I think they should use that personally. Same could be said for Catwoman & Star Lord (he really needs it tbh)