Front mission 3.

The path option was so innocuous at the start that when I played it without guides for a second time I picked the same path again.

PvE balancing and PvP balancing should be entirely exclusive from one another.

One that comes to mind that I really hated was I was quite enjoying a build I painstakingly farmed for in the division that was quite fun but got nerfed cause it was op in pvp when in pve it wasn't even op.

I played it cause I was hoping it will bring me the feel of full throttle.

It didn't.

I basically stopped buying and playing fifa, madden and 2k.

They were my yearly purchase until around 2017.

Now the only sports game I play is football manager

His death really didn't bothered me that much.

But his father breaking down over it when you brought him the news broke me.

A recent one would be

“No more shall man have wings to bear him to paradise. Henceforth he shall walk.”


If there are server problems on launch similar to endwalker, I will withhold using the fantasia in the mean time.

I'll just be stress if I get DCd and have a queue coming back in.

I know it might not seem a lot but transferring from a sub to a mother company might spell things a lot differently.

Compensation, benefits and scope among other things.

I just commented this before seeing this. Lmao

They know shit though.

In my group, the ones who got 360 said f that when xbox one announced it will only launch on certain markets. And we were not one of those.

Microsoft also has 80 billion of cash sitting on a bank account. It could pay all of its debt (~60 billion) anytime it wanted to if it thought interest on it was a problem.

Cash on bank does not necessarily mean free cash. You got working capital requirements where you pay your obligations. A high cash tends to show that the firm also has a high working capital.

Dual casting stacking.

Make me cast jolt 10x and cast the next 10 without cast time Lmao

Football manager.

Coming from fifa I didn't understand why my brother prefer a game that seems like spreadsheets.

In moba, it means for me sacrificing my net worth to funnel more resources to the team's carry, heal them, save them during fights, plant wards so they can safely farm, etc.

Basically you focus more on helping your carry farm and on team fights you sacrifice yourself if you disengage and are in a disadvantage.

8.7 games per owner.

What's the rate with other consoles? I don't know if this is high or not. Can't judge cause on switch alone I think I have around 15 games. Lmao

Don't know if I'm an outlier or something.