I can't answer that question until I know the relative conductivity of gold-pressed latinum.

You can still find those online. SD Bullion will sell you a roll of 50 for about $130; and if you don't care which silver dime you get you can save about $10 a roll.

Well, it's obvious which news network you're watching. I heard the same drivel.

It's not true. Nothing has changed, except that evil has had its hands smacked.

Incidentally, if the rule you seem to want had prevailed, 44 & 46 would be much more susceptible to prosecution than 45 ever was. I would guess that just about every President who ever served would be. In that case, whether they were ever prosecuted or not would depend on the whims of the DOJ -- and if you think that wimp of an AG is his own master, I have several bridges to sell you. No; the arms of the administrative state are controlled by people who stay in the shadows, like the cockroaches they are. So much for "democracy."

But if "run in circles, scream and shout" is what you want to do, that's your business.

I could write a book on this issue lol.

I'll buy a copy. Just start simple, lol! 😄

If I understand Rafi Farber correctly, the silver price explosion and the collapse of the dollar will happen at the same time.

I'm not an expert; but, if I had to guess, it's because silver is, and always has been, in direct competition with the dollar. I think the US government hates silver like nothing else, for this reason; it knows that the fiat dollar cannot compete with the real money that silver is, and I think they will hang onto the dollar against silver until they simply can't hold onto it any longer.

Why does Mr. Slammy always seem to show up at the top of the hour?🦍 Discussion

It's 9:00 in Hong Kong, 11:00 in Sydney ... and here comes Mr. Slammy.

Earlier today, it was noon in NYC -- 11:00 in Chicago -- and Mr. Slammy came calling.

Not that it's going to help ...

Robbers used to hold up people on the road by pointing a pistol at them and saying, "Stand and deliver!" meaning, stay where you are and hand over the goods. Well, our war cry should be, "Stand for delivery!" and let those paper pushers wet their drawers while we walk away with the silver they've given us the chance to buy oh-so-much of!


These are the same arguments I've used against the "you can't eat silver" crowd, and they'll probably get as little respect when you say them as when I did. Really, they're so obviously valid that you have to be some kind of "true believer" to deny them.

Where did you pick that up? I've visited their site, but many of the links there are broken.

Cleaning DVDs & Blu-rays?Discussion

I've been using 91% isopropyl alcohol to clean outgassing from my DVDs. I don't buy many Blu-rays, but I just got one for a hard-to-get film. It's used, and there was some evidence of smudge; so, I used the alcohol. It was only afterward that I thought to check online to see if it's OK to do that. I was surprised to learn that some people think it's not.

Some people use a mixture of water and alcohol; but since there are chemicals in city water and I don't have any distilled water on hand, I think that I might scratch the DVD that way. Ditto on solutions of detergent and water.

So, I thought I'd come here and ask advice. One source said that Blu-rays are easier to damage with alcohol. Another said that alcohol can, with repeated use, damage the surface of the disk; this source may have been speaking of both types of disk or only one, I'm not sure. One source said that alcohol can leave streaks; I'd never noticed this before, but when I looked I thought I saw exactly that.

Does anyone know?


Just got my copy of "I Do, I Do, I Do," the last Autumn Reeser film on my list. The Blu-ray plays fine in my all-region player; but I discovered that I can't turn off the German subtitles with the English soundtrack. I can turn them off with the German soundtrack, but not with the original English. It's not a major annoyance; anyone who watches foreign films in the original language can learn to ignore subtitles. But I wish I could turn them off.

I've been catching her in several of the 1st & 2nd season episodes of "That Girl," and it's unbelievable how beautiful and attractive she is.

OK, even if the Comex was established earlier, its reason for existence has changed. This is demonstrable teleologically: it is now committed to the effort to suppress the price of precious metals at all costs, such that, when this effort fails, it, too, will fail.

So: whether the structure was established earlier or not, it is no longer the same entity it was created to be. It's the same with governments: they may be created as one thing and become something quite different; the continuity of the outward structure says nothing about what the entity has become.

It's desperation. As the crash of the US dollar gets nearer and nearer, they feel they have to prolong its life as much as possible -- whether to keep the US economy from crashing or simply to keep from losing any more money than they have to.

Unfortunately, I don't think there's going to be even the appearance of a republic in America much longer. I learned this morning that 49 of the 50 states will give you a voter registration form based on nothing more than your mere assertion that you are a US citizen. The margin of victory in 2020 was very small. Under these facts, I don't think Trump has a chance of winning this year. If that's true, then the hammer will fall.

You know who would be the perfect tyrant for the Democrats to put in place? I think the Democrat convention will be interesting this year. If they pull a switcheroo, I can think of one person they could install as candidate who would likely make their political opponents pay for their crime of resistance, not in treasure merely but in suffering and blood.

Fox Business reported this morning that 49 States will give you a voter registration form, good for federal elections, based on nothing more than your assertion that you are a US citizen.

More than ten million illegals have entered our country on Biden's watch, and they have been scattered around the States, perhaps with purpose to corrupt the electoral system. There is no way the State administrations can vet ten million applications; furthermore, many of them are anti-motivated to do so, and will slow-walk any directive to that purpose.

I think it's fair to say that we are living in the Cloward-Pivening of America. Unless I'm missing something, under these facts, Trump will not win this year, and we need to plan our futures accordingly.

EDIT: It occurs to me that one possible way out would be for the House of Representatives to refuse to certify the election, which I'm guessing would throw the election into the House.

Fascinating. This opens up many possibilities.

Three rings for the elven kings, under the sky ...

The silver community would have to have IQs in the lower two-digit range to not be aware of this disparity and already have investigated it.

The federal government is on the record -- it slipped out in a video interview -- that the price of silver is manipulated to keep it from rising too highly. This was, in fact, the principal reason for the creation of the Comex: to keep precious metals from competing with the US dollar. This is because the US dollar, being a fiat currency, is doomed to lose value every year, exactly as it has, while hard assets remain hard assets, no matter what their sticker price may be in changeable units of currency.

So, to recap: the US government does not want gold and silver to compete with the US dollar, because they know the US dollar will lose. Therefore, they create the Comex and solicit the banks to create massive, huge quantities of derivatives to keep the prices low. Because the prices are kept low, exploration and mining aren't very profitable and require unusual risk.

The laws of supply and demand have not determined the prices of precious metals for decades. The world knows this. Not long ago, India, which has its own relatively new metals exchange, made the statement that, with the creation of an alternative venue for silver, we may at last find its true price.

The markets in the West are tightly controlled; they are not free. The sooner they crash, the better for all mankind.

Thanks for your reply!

Is this Glenn Trigg? If so, and you have promos lying around for this film, I would love to get one. What is the name of your YT channel? I don't want a link; I avoid clicking on links for reasons of computer security.

EDIT: I found it, thanks! I'd still like to get a DVD, if possible. I assume you don't mind if people download the movies you post (please tell me if you do), but there's nothing like physical media.

If you can hide it off-shore, hide it off-shore.

If you can't hide it off-shore, buy a boat. 😉

Seriously, though ... If I had to hide metal locally, I'd dig a hole at least 3 feet down in my basement, either line it with a non-conductive metal or use a box of the same stuff, place my metal in it and then resurface with concrete. Remember the first John Wick movie?