What? Lol.

You said “the world is changing to a new hsitory” I was asking what you meant by that because I didn’t understand it.

I won’t judge you either I guess. Thanks?

I don’t think this is true. They will experience far more joy and happiness in prison than they will pain and torture. Think of all the days they get to smile and laugh. They won’t be getting their ass beat everyday.

I hate life sentences. The person in prison should never be able to smile another day in their life for murdering someone. No happiness whatsoever. An eye for an eye in my opinion.

I watched a very very sad documentary a few years ago about a lady who was released from a mental hospital (my facts may be a little off) and she nor did anyone else at the hospital contact her family. She left and either found a home that someone was trying to sell, or someone’s vacation home something. And well no one was there so she basically moved in.

She started to keep a journal of her life from that point on. The documentary is reading her daily journal entries as they go through the house showing various places she had been.

Anyways, to shorten this up a bit. She had become paranoid about other people. Hid from them. There was a spring fed creek and a bunch of apple trees on the property. She used both of those resources to survive as long as she could. She ended up dying of starvation in the house by herself.

Someone found her laying in the living room by her journal. The last few days started to become scribbles as you could see her energy run out from starving to death.

I watched this at like 2am as my girlfriend slept in the other room. Got to admit, at the end, I was crying like I couldn’t believe. I always think about that poor lady at the most random times. I’m not religious, but I sometimes wish I was so I could picture her in heaven.

Idk if starving to death is the worse way to go or not. What I do know is, being alone seems like a pretty shitty way to die too.

You said there was nothing positive, I was saying there is one. Keeping your family well fed and alive is very important for the well being of said family.

You have a plugin that tells you how dry you are? Do you like being depressed? That seems silly. Lol.

I think that’s what a lot of Germans said too. “If I didn’t do it, the nazis would’ve killed me.” Imagine if we all just did what we were told without thinking.

Based on his cocky appearance, that’s going to be a no from me dawg.

If you went to buy something. What prices would you use? Lol

Google the definition of murder my friend. I don’t care if you think I’m a murderer or not tbh. Just words are important. And by definition you are wrong.

Also, I target shoot all the time with my guns. No one died during that at all. Plenty of guns that has never killed anything.

“People like this” saying someone wouldn’t support women and for people to get the hell off of the highway when they are trying to go to work are two completely different things. Lol.

It’s not murder in the sense they are trying to make it seem. Relax there almighty. They are making it seem like they like murdering humans. Not animals. “Deluding yourself” you don’t even know me bro. Relax. Damn. 😂.

And to get technical the definition is “the killing of one human by another”

There is one! You can hunt and provide your own meat. Instead of relying on factory farms where they torture animals.

Shooting a deer for meat isn’t murder.

I don’t believe in god. But I do own a gun and I’ve never shot a single person with it. However I have provided my family countless meals with it. Guns are a tool. They have their use. I’ve always had to use the tool to hunt, I hope I never have to use it for self defense. I think you can be religious and own a gun though because again, it’s just a tool.

It also said a lot of the people doing the actual chopping were other black people too. A ton of different people involved in this cruelty.

A car accident. Yet people text and drive all the time. Idiots.

“25. Single ready to mingle. Not looking for anything serious, just some hook ups and the occasional free meal. I have a dog. Work at Starbucks and I am looking for a 6’11” man with green eyes, tan, did I mention 6’11”? And he HAS to work in finances and drive a 2022 or newer vehicle”

That’s what I think it would say today. Or close to it.

It’s true. America is the only country in the entire world that is religious. Very great observation and even better joke :)

Sometimes I just need to know what these stupid people look like.

Lmfao “they do it to survive.” Maybe some of them. But not a majority. I couldn’t imagine being in a shitty situation and just leaving my family behind while I go live a better life. “Good luck mom, good luck friends, good luck dog, good luck tree, good luck my fellow country, I hate you and am leaving you forever. Instead of saying and trying to make this place a place worth living. I’ll just flee and leave everyone and everything behind for my own personal safety” 😂😂😂. Imagine being a man like that. Crazy.

They are fleeing because they want to be in America. We give them free shit. Why wouldn’t they come here?