To be fair, this is the culture sub not the language sub

Not sure if this would have helped here, but my friends and I used to troll each other or customers by holding a door closed and found out that after a while of walking into a door you you eventually phase through it. It works even when the door is pushed all the way open and you walk into it against the wall.

I think it might work here and let you phase through after 10 sec or so and be able to pick up the parcel. But I don't think we ever did it with the entrance door.

On top of training and such, remember that large swathes of the military aren't actually meant to fight (unless it comes down to it). There are loads and loads of mechanics in all the branches. There's logistics folks, IT, personnel, admin, medical, I even met an Army veterinarian (I assume for working dogs N such?). All those guys do the same basic jobs at peace and war. Airplane/hummer broke? Fix. Internet down? Fix. Personnel exist? Pay em (this one depends on how finance feels that day tho). Etc etc.

Honestly I think the Air Force is more support staff than actual war fighters. I was told the Army is 30% infantry about 10 years ago, so including their air forces, armor, artillery, rockets (not sure if they do ground launched rockets?) etc they are probably at least 40% support if not more. Marines use a lot of Navy support but they still have Intel guys and mechanics and all that, so a good chunk of them are probably support too. Space force is all support. I can't guess at the Navy because one I'm not even sure where to make the distinction of who is a war fighter on a ship and who isn't. Are the guys who make the ship go war fighters or just the guys that shoot stuff? Either way, them ships be traveling around all the time projecting force across the world in peace time.

Where did you get that definition? Because that implies that trauma is an illness. If I get in an industrial accident and lose my legs, I'm permanently disabled, but I'm not ill.

Same thing for burns on us. Its surprising how low of a temperature can give us serious burns given enough time. Run your hand under 45C (113F) water for 3 hours and you get a 3rd degree burn.

lol for your source you just link to the same graphic you make on instagram? Why not your actual data sources?

I just did a brief search for the kind of apartment I could live in in downtown Tokyo. As an American with a wife and kid I am used to a lot of space. Lived in CA in a 900 sq ft apt with just my wife and she hated how cramped it was. So I searched Tokyo for a >100 m2 apartment. Found a decent place thats 114 m2 for 550,000 JPY a month, plus a month up front for deposit, and another month up front for Key money, which I guess is a traditional 'gift' given to a landlord and is nonrefundable. So the rent is quite expensive but not as much as I'd expect, roughly $3500 USD a month. Total for living there would be about 7.7mil JPY or almost $49k including the key money and deposit, which is refundable.

I think this is really only a things for Teslas. It's going to be a while before other cars are able to do this, because the infrastructure (outside the supercharger network) needing to catch up. I have a Tesla and a Leaf and has a friend who has an Ioniq 5. They are all very different. Tesla Y is smooth, routing through superchargers with ease. Leaf is impossible one because its a 2012 one and only has an 80 mile range lol, but also because all the damn Chademo chargers are breaking down and none of the companies fix them anymore because I think it's only Leafs and a few older EVs that use it. The Ioniq is better, not hard, just use an app like betterrouteplanner, input your car info and starting loc and destination and it routes it like a Tesla does. Can even change some options to minmax your time at charging stations.

Right now I use maybe 10% of my battery driving to work and back. Tesla Y standard range. I charge it every other night. It usually takes about 8-10 hours to charge. I don't often look though since it doesn't start charging until I go to bed unless I run it down lower than normal.

Last year before I moved I would use around 20%, more on particularly hot days with the AC working harder than average. But even then the longest it would take to charge nightly was like 10-12 hours. It would start charging a bit before I went to bed and be ready to go when I left in the morning.

Reading through some of these comments and realizing I am a man slut haha. Or at least more than average. I'm not involved in stuff like that but I would like to be. My wife was crazier than me before we got together but has become much more mild after having our daughter. At least this give me some hope for a bit more wildness when we start kindergarten in four years haha.

I wondered what that was whenever I accidentally hit u lol

Here is the actual article for those interested:

It is garbage, BI based it off this infographic, with some modifications they made based on 'their own research':

Importantly the MNU article where they posted the infographic originally has been removed, or at least all the links to it are broken that I found. The only sources on the infographic appear to be sources for the inventions themselves, and there is no methodology as to how they decided they are the 'most impactful', or what methodology BI used to determine which inventions are 'the best'.

I used to live in GA when I first started and never used one, though it wasn't something people had really started suggesting at the time I think. I left in 2019. Bounced around a bit the next few years and now I'm in Hawaii and I still don't use one for PLA. Though I'm sure there'd be some benefit, I just haven't had any issues without drying so I haven't bothered. We'll see after my PLA has been stored here for a full year though.

I feel the same way. I made it several more books in but recently gave up. There's just so much content in the books in terms of relationships going on I can't keep it all straight and I find my attention waning for minutes at a time in the audio books. But I just gave up, I'll keep reading the CC series, but Artorian is sadly something I can't really keep up with. I'd love a wiki just on the history of Cals soul space to condense it all though

I think with the unpainted ones the only issue you'll have is hair styles might be more often white people hair rather than natural hair for other ethnicities. But lots will also have head gear of some sort so I don't think it should come up too often.

I think the title is vague and misleading, which is then compounded by the caption at the top of the chart. When I first read the post title I thought it was about conlangs not programming languages, but that's a small issue as I think most people would jump to programming over conlangs. Second after realizing that but before reading the caption about implementation I thought this was about the languages the creators used or preferred most. Ie the creators of XYZ language predominantly use ABC language in their work. Not that the language is being used in the implementation of the XYZ. Then after reading the caption it's not clear that you mean partial implementation, especially to people who don't create programming languages, and know nothing about it. As others have pointed out. You could have been much more clear in the title and caption to avoid this is all most of these people are saying. This is also just meant to be helpful feedback, the data is interesting but I did have to read your replies to actually understand what it was displaying.

Vw is largest by revenue, and #2 by yearly cars sold, which also means they at least charge more for their cars than Toyota, #2 and #1 in those categories respectively. And then you've got largest by market cap. Which is Tesla, with nearly double #2 Toyotas market cap. I know they make more than cars but still, seems insane at least at first glance. Oddly enough, VW is number 7 by market cap. Toyota and VW are #1 and #2 by earnings as well.

Happened to us too, likely wasn't just a single female alive at the time, but all descendants of the others have all died off. Every human on earth is descended from Mitochondrial Eve.

"I shimmer in light yet vanish in night, Crafted by minds, unseen by sight. I dance in your dreams, but I'm not what I seem, Your senses deceive, I'm not what you perceive. What am I?"

When I worked at a gas station if a person was nice or chill I would not charge them for the fountain drink. It only cost the store like like 11 cents most of which was the cup anyway.

They mean the people in this sub are judgemental, and especially in the comments of this post.

Immigration* Also do you mean to get citizenship because you are of German descent or just getting a visa to work there and a residence permit?

Glen has never seen me, you should probably come over and show me to Glenn