Are there any qualifications for potentially incoming students to Canada to have any type of job or work history or goals while applying for lmia status?

Or is it just random kids off the streets of India whose parents have a little money and can afford to send them to places like Canada?

What the hell is going on in Manitoba that it has almost 35% unemployment?

2000 down / 80 up

Looks like you're taking a trip to the moon.


You don't have to pay the employee any benefits.

Which traditionally is 30 to 40% of an employee salary.

Yeah it's fucking disgusting and the ttc tunnels. Why wouldn't you wear a mask to protect from all the shit you breathe in?


Very few businesses are hiring full-time right now with the economy.

Lots of part-time work though for cheap.

Sure, after maybe a decade.

I have a WD sn850 going on nearly 5 years now as my main gaming drive. It's only 1 TB and I've been uninstalling and reinstalling games since I've had it.

Did a hard drive health check like 2 and 1/2 months ago and it was 95% healthy after 5 years.