Had to be the Chicago outfit in response to the Bay of Pigs...

Been a paying customer since 2017, but they lost me after WK this year.  Losing White, Ospreay and Okada really hurt my enjoyment of the product, and most of 2023 I would check out the cards but rarely feel compelled to watch them.  I miss my Shingo, Ishii, and Despy matches, but it isn't enough to keep another subscription going. 

In the same breath, anyone who sees this response by Copeland as some sort of "harassment", that probably says a lot about you.  

"There's only one man who would DARE give me the raspberry"

Say what?  It was my MOTN.  Pure striking nasty.

This person has exactly one post, and it's this....

I have a weird feeling that this pic won't get NEARLY as many upvotes as the one that fits the other narrative 

"It needed a home invasion and 4 weeks of face to face promossssss"  /S

Yup.  This match came at the end of his reign and he was just holding it together until Mania weekend to drop it to Jerry Lynn.  What a crazy title run!

I have this too.  Iirc, it was one of the first to include stuff from a lot of those early weekly tna ppvs...