I don't see how the car could learn or make adjustments. It hasn't got any AI. I think drivers adjust their behavior unconsciously from absorbing the info on the displayed animations and/or from reading the manual. Sometimes acts of maintenance do improve things too.

Changes to singers (men to women, low voice for high, novel harmonies), varying the instrumentation (someone else plays lead/solos), alterations in tempo, groove or mood (you can make a happy song sound sad or vice-versa).

What you can't get away under most circumstances with is dumbing-down. That's an insult to your audience. If you can't play a tune at approximately the same level of complexity as the hit version, or provide a new performance of equal value, you shouldn't be paid to play it. Find a simpler song you can nail, then put your spin on that.

Well, anyone can sue over anything. But if you haven't damaged them, and they haven't damaged you, there's nothing to win. You apparently just came to similar ideas at different times.

You're the only judge of what friends to keep, but if he and she are avoiding engaging in illegal behavior, it's really none of your business if they are experimentally interested in each other.

I think it's essential for him to serve at least 90 days IN JAIL, not as much for the convictions, but for his never-ending contempt of court and continued violations of the gag order, which is still in place until sentencing.

No ordinary convict gets to keep flaunting the rules of the legal process continuously without significant penalty. Why should citizen Trump have that privilege?

We exchanged phone numbers, talked a few times, joined some group activities with mutual pals, and met at each other's work to see what each other's lives were like. Then I had to go to Europe for a three week tour. We met up again afterward and expressed mutually that we had missed talking with each other. I don't think we ever did more sexually than kiss for the first eight months of knowing each other.

Because she was an avid and accomplished dancer, I took private lessons, and then we went out dancing. Because I was an accomplished singer, she took voice lessons and then joined my church choir. We married after experimentally living together for about six months. Everything was up front and direct because we weren't kids, having met when I was 38 and she was in her 40s.

Those "people who say" are just wrong. Critique IS a creation. It's an interpretation of the value of a work of art. Can an actor critique movies? They usually don't create them, have any input on what they are paid to say, set the camera angles or even determine which takes of their performance will be used. But I think they have enough familiarity with the medium to critique works.

Then there's music. Compared to the numbers of players, conductors, recordists, producers and reviewers (who also serve to preview and promote lesser-known works), there are very few composers. If we could only get critique from the music writers, they would mostly critique each other competitively, as they do now. The audience of readers and viewers wouldn't gain the insights of expert performers or enthusiastic aficionados or historians or collectors.

By simply making friends and NOT "dating" at all, in the sense of not following any kind of traditional courtship rituals or behavioral demands. I mean, when you discover you have mutual interests with another and you like their company, you say so to them directly. If they respond similarly, you both try activities or locations reflecting your mutual interests, as you would with any new friend. Simple relationships develop organically.

I met my wife of 30 years at a birthday party. We never dated.

It depends on the documentary evidence, and how similar the two songs are. If the newer song has a registered copyright, like with a publisher, a union or a PRO, and yours is only time-stamped on your personally-held media, then you have no winnable case UNLESS you can prove they stole it from you on purpose. Plenty of cases have already proven you can't copyright mere elements of a song like a chord progression or a partial melody or a bass line or a "hook"/motif.

The infringement cases that have been won are all things like songs sent to someone previously that they only changed the lyrics/vocals to, or someone sampling material from your exact mix without attribution and payment. To win an IP theft case, you must prove it really is your IP, that it's an intentional act, and that you are in fact damaged.

Hopefully they lose both legislative houses too.

I don't care that much about Mr. Trump's fate, as long as he's out of power.

Not every model is for every person's taste. Same with trims, or colors, or hubcaps etc.

Not recorded simultaneously. Each solo person was recorded separately at their home, then edited together in post. That's clear because of the different configurations of video squares.

This is also how they create those "virtual choir" pieces with performances by hundreds of singers:


I've done that, but only at work. You need super-fast upload speeds from each source, at least 250 Mbps, usually only available via fiber optic. Most folks have broadband upload speeds of around 15-20 Mbps at home, though commercially gigs and even terrabit speeds are available now.

I didn't start getting those "wisdom epiphanies" until after I retired. No time for that level of deep contemplation. Too busy working.

It IS a very expensive add-on for a Prius C one. It's never cheap to tear up a car for extra cabling and switches if the model wasn't designed for it at the factory.

There are four "trim" levels on the Cs, and you don't get cruise control until level two or above. I drive a 2015 Prius C three which I bought last year. That came with cc AND a moon roof. Look up the trim details before you buy next time.

Absolutely an ordinary thing. Most people think artistic pursuits aren't real work.

Just walk away. You can't solve it, and giving "Smother" a piece of your mind won't help.

Yes, and when I was your age I had to work full-time nights at a factory just to afford CC, my own furnished room and a crappy old car. I still had time for fun and experiencing new things, just not as much as I wanted. That had to wait for after college. I don't think I got completely over FOMO until I was almost 30, so I do sympathize. Deferred gratification's tough at first.

Oh, it's a perfectly valid quest, seeking spiritual enlightenment & lasting wisdom. It's important to me too. Just the wrong place to look for it.

Young one, we are ALL ALWAYS missing out on something, because it's a busy world. To fear that is irrational. The beach isn't going anywhere. There will be new concerts. At some point "the squad" won't even be remotely interesting.

You are entitled to harbor regrets about growing up, but it's going to happen anyway. Right now, you are preparing for a career and an adult future, whatever it holds. That's the opposite of wasting your life away.

I wouldn't expect to find any actual sages on a social media platform.

However, you can find supportive strangers to ask questions of, and get feedback from.

Rangefinder camera designed to look like an SLR. The only one I could find was a black one (more desireable model) that sold in South Africa 13 years ago, for 20 Rand. That makes it worth at best $1.06:


It's unchanged. The privacy aspect is only one part of HIPAA, and even that part relies upon medical licensing laws and regulations, not the Constitution.

For me it's just right. Florida swamps after sundown SHOULD look a bit creepy and unsettling. It triggers our fears of enchanted forests and jungles in fairy tales and horror movies.