If you’re doing graphic design you’re gonna want to spring for more than 8 GB of ram. 16 is the minimum you should shoot for

Wonderland / SFDL | Coaster Count: 144

Happy birthday! Sounds like a great way to spend it!

Honestly I just think you’re a few years too late, when it came out Forbidden West received lots of buzz and praise. Now that it’s been out for a while it’s just another quality PlayStation game and that doesn’t generate headlines or clicks

Chrome recommended this to me last night and I have to admit I audibly laughed out loud

Almost as iconic as the bad guys with snipers standing under chandeliers/items that could easily fall on them and crush them

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Kinda feels like this more or less

S7 45mm Green Aluminum

I agree with all of this except considering a used/refurbished original SE. That’s not going to be receiving watchOS 11 this fall when that update releases. You’d be better off going with a refurbished 6/7/8 or a new SE second gen.

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Yeah but that requires me to join the cesspool that is Twitter. I prefer to keep my toxic social media contained to Reddit so I'll take your word for it

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Uj/ Oh I'm well aware, I rode Mind Eraser at SFNE the year that it got new trains so I'm expecting it'll be like that, more or less. A better experience than before but still a bit rough around the edges. Regardless, it's an upgrade so I'm still excited

Rj/ da FUCK you mean it won't be as smooth as my precious BeeNEms, why even bother refurbishing it, just get rid of it. Cause we all know Vekoma is the worst manufacturer to ever exist, as OP loves to remind this sub daily

:Kelly:my cousin is not hot

If you’re talking about the scene where he sits with Nicole at lunch to tell her about his fetishes, you have to go to gym class when Jecka asks where you’re headed, choose to not change and sit out, and then pick “see if he actually tells you” when you’re on the sidelines with Jeffrey.

This is in the original btw, not the re-up

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…I posted that comment literally 2 minutes ago how the fuck LMAO

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Uj/ I live 45 minutes from SFDL and I am unironically excited about this refurb. Where’s that user that has the flair that says “the SLC is a good layout ruined by horrible trains” when you need them

As someone who teaches middle school and high school history I can’t even tell you how many times this thought has crossed my mind

The porn star comments made me laugh, originally from the shock value, before I cried realizing these two are our options as the leader of our nation. Again.

America is so fucked

The way Trump talks about NATO causes me to believe he doesn’t know shit about how it works lmao

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Dorney honestly is the most “good” across the board park I have literally ever been to.

Coaster lineup? Solid, not awful but no groundbreaking stand-outs.

Operations? Quick enough to be serviceable but just slow enough for you to realize that they definitely ain’t hustling to put those trains out most of the time.

Atmosphere? A bit of a concrete jungle and feels somewhat corporate-y, but it’s clean and well-kept, which isn’t always a given in 2024.

It ends up being just above average in everything which honestly makes it more forgettable than going to either amazing parks or parks that suck so much that you end up laughing about them on the drive home. And like you said - doesn’t help that Great Adventure and Hershey are both just around the corner (and don’t forget about Knoebels which absolutely blew my gf and I away last October when we went there for the first time).

Tl;dr: Dorney is truly the most “mid” park to ever exist

Wonderland / SFDL | Coaster Count: 144

Never thought I’d see the Grinch Leak referenced on r/rollercoasters but here we are

Chorus Kids should have been made it in btw

As someone who teaches middle and high school level social studies - most students don't read books nowadays, unless they're forced to.

That said I did have one student that was reading through the Percy Jackson books and Rick Riordan's other series for most of the school year. Which was neat to see, as I also read those books around the same time in my life

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All my homies know the best part of the coaster is walking down the exit stairs


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This is the best goddamn comment I’ve read here in a while, bravo

This is a gift you get when you connect with your students on a more personal level. You don’t just buy a teacher a PS gift card, you get them Starbucks or something like that. As a young teacher myself I aspire to have relationships like this too someday. Well done OP

It’s absolutely worthy of the high praises it’s gotten and I loved my time with it, and it improved a decent chunk of the issues I had with BotW.

But BotW definitely left more of a lasting impact on me on how memorable my first playthrough was