Thank you 🙏 I will keep at it

It is a heart leaf philodendron

MCQuestion :snoo_shrug:

Which MC companies have sundaze and indimed? Or is sundaze a alternaleaf thing

What are the prices like per tub ect and how many products are you allowed to

Currently with Alternaleaf looking to switchQuestion :snoo_shrug:

What is the best company to go through for someone who lives in rural NSW?

Go back to wiping ass bald dude

And your the only one that has no idea.. figure


Done and done! Already looks happier thank you for the helpful comments :)

Thanks everyone, now I know they’re just messy eaters I feel better 🤣

Yes mostly when he eats apples, he goes crazy for apples! I took this pic when he accidentally got outside.. he flew about 5 meters away and flew right back to me so I took a quick photo of the guy that just gave me a heart attack 🤦‍♀️