Ew. No. I'd bring it up to management and if they brush you off call the health department.

Planet Rock in Madison Hts is a nightmare. It is PACKED all the time and mostly with kids. The bouldering section in there isn't very big, it's primarily a rope climb gym. They do a lot of kids lessons in there and camps in the summer. We did some lessons there, but stopped because it was always dirty and overcrowded. Never got to know any of the staff because the turn over was high.

Dyno is Detroit is way better and worth the drive.

If you want to climb outside there is one spot in the lower penninsula you can that at, Grand Ledge. The climbing is located inside of Oak Park.

Realistically, Minecraft. Been playing since beta. I can start a new world and be rich in a few hours. It's stupid how much of a science I've got it down to now. Drives my kid insane. Lol!

The Wall of Fire is the episode I got caught up with and had to wait days for the show to be live again to find out what happened. I'm jealous that you can just binge the campaign for days. It really truly is my favorite story they've told.

You will lose a point any time you make a correction. I lost one backing in and I lost one when stopping on the line because I stopped then moved forward and stopped again to get it exact. My instructor did not tell me how points work and what can lose points. I suspect they're not allowed to tell you this.

You also lose a point if your car touches a cone, doesn't matter if it doesn't fall over.

Find a nice empty parking lot and practice a bunch. You've got this.

Hey OP, sorry you're dealing with this. This would be better placed in r/relationships

If your siblings living situation is bad you can 100% call CPS on your mom and make a report. It can be hard to recognize abuse and neglect if you grew up with it. Do your siblings each have a bed to sleep in? Does the home have power and water? Do they get enough food? Do they go to school. If the answer to any of these is no, make the call.

CPS works really hard to keep families together. More than likely mom will get a case worker that will help her get the things she needs to provide for the kids. Daycare or rent subsidies, food bank locations, etc. Are the dads paying any child support? They should be. Doesn't matter if they were never married, they have to financially support their kids.

You sound like a good guy that wants to help the kids. The best thing you can do is call CPS if warrented. If mom is providing everything, but struggeling I'd ask her about child support and go from there.

Whatever you do, do not give her money. You must care for yourself first. Pay a bill if you can manage it, drop off a bag of groceries, but do not give her cash. It will do nothing to help the situation.

You need to give him, in writting, 30 day notice to leave. Yes, mail it to him at your apartment. Once you've done that hopefully he just goes. If he doesn't you're going to want to talk to your landlord. Nyc is a whole other beast when it comes to renters, but most likely he would need to be evicted.

A different angle, use Downy Rinse and Refresh (or similar) in her laundry. My tween STANK. It didn't matter what deoderant was used and how many showers. He stunk immediately.

Turns out the smell was stuck in his clothes. I bought the rinse and refresh and the stink was gone! I use a tiny bit, maybe a tablespoon in the wash and it takes the BO out of the clothes. I couldn't believe how much his smell had sunk into his clothes! Now at 14 he mostly smells normal. Sometimes he needs to refresh the deoderant after school, but at least he just does it now without any fights. It'll get better, I promise!

Vinager may work as well, but I needed something stronger. Lmao.

Good riddance. I'm ready for a break and it might do them some good to not farm content off of us for a month. (wishful thinking)

They banned it at our middle school. You can put it on at home. If they use it at school it's a detention. The building smelled AWFUL. It's much better now.

My man, my husband and I are your age and have three times as much saved and our projected retirement age is 67. So unless you're getting a nice 6 figure job here shortly and putting every part of that raise away in a retirement account, you're not retiring at 60-62.

Does your wife work? Is she contributing?

You my want to schedule a visit with a retirement advisor to hammer out a plan.

Elder millennial with a now 14 year old. We tried really hard to do this, but it was difficult. Literally no one played outside in our old neighborhood. Thankfully there was one parent that was trying to do the same so out kid ran around with their kid. Lightly supervised. They new what streets they couldn't cross without an adult, but those two kids new the neighborhood. They made friends with all the elderly people. They found where their preschool teacher lived and would help her garden in the yard in the summers. When they got a bit bigger they would ride bikes to the 7-11. In the summer I wouldn't see my kid between lunch and dinner. Yeah, they had a gps tracking watch, but that was only used for emergencies like the one time they got lost on a bike ride. They just called us from the watch and told us what cross streets they were at and I rode down there and showed them how to get home.

We moved before 6th grade and the new neighborhood has more kids out which is great. We also have a great park system and community center. Our child is the only one confident enough to go around alone. We also don't track them anymore. At 14 I like to think my kid is responsible enough to come home on time for dinner, and he does. It's been really interesting meeting his friends that didn't have the same freedom and trust as a child. They're slowly gaining it since I give it to them at my house and my child is being an influence, I hope for good. Lol!

It's possible, but it really depends on where you live. If there are other kids around and parents that think like you do you can make it happen. Take the phones and I pads away, toss em outside on a nice day. They'll get bored and then they'll start to play and explore.

I don't know. I stopped talking to my brother about Trump years ago. I'm sure he's pissed and thinks it's a Democrat conspiracy of some kind even though Trumps lawyers helped pick the jury....

Cautiously optimistic. There will be so many appeals, he more than likely won't serve prison time, but anything that keeps bleeding him dry money wise and takes up his time is a win in my book.

I still can't believe the RNC wants to endorse this sack of shit. The party is a joke.

Skill and maturity and NEVER swim alone. I'm good letting my 14 year old swim unsupervised with friends. When he was 12? Not a chance in hell.

An autographed photo of Matt Mercer. I'm never going to meet him at a convention so this is the next best thing. He's been a hero of mine for a long time.

I don't wear them. I'm 42. I used to try once or twice a year and they've never been comfy no matter what type or method I use. Tampons aren't for everyone and that's ok.

I've lost weight before. 45 pounds. It wasn't hard then. I tracked calories and made sure I went for a walk everyday. Now at 42 I need to lose 60 and I've been fighting with the same six pounds for three months. Up and down. I'm making zero progress despite cutting carbs and eating a calorie deficit. I'm not moving as much due to an injury, but it's frustrating to not loose anything with cutting calories and sugar. I know perimenopause is a big issue for a lot of women my age. I'm seeing the doc next month to talk about HRT and possibly ozempic or similar. I've got to get thai weight off and the old way is doing nothing. At least I haven't gained more? Trying to look at the bright side.

Get that vacuum working and vaccum to waste.

Does the water look clear when you scoop it into the test kit? If it is you need to vacuum. If the water itself is green keep using the SLAM method.

Shut the pump off for a few hours before you vacuum. Let everything sink to the bottom. If it's mostly on the surface or floating you can try a flocculant to get it all to the bottom.

My pool was a swamp when we first moved in. Took me two weeks to get it swim worthy. Keep going.

I worry for people I'd leave behind, but if I'm dead I'm dead. What's left to fear? It's one of the greatest mysteries of the universe. Does anything happen when you die? I don't think anything happens. I think it's like how you don't remember being born. You just stop. Maybe I'll be wrong. At some point everyone solves this mystery.

I've always had a weird philosophy with death, even as a kid. Sure, it's sad. But they're gone and the best thing we can do is keep living and sharing stories we remember about them to others. I hope a few people will tell stories of me when I'm gone.

Maybe I spent too much time reading Victorian novels. We, especially as Americans, have very strange ideas about death and mourning. The victorians has it right. Death is inevitable, therefore why fear it?

Add one of us having a chronic pain issue and it gets super hard. Husband has nerve pain in his hands. He loves his garden so he manages to keep up with that.

I try and do something every night. I'll dust one night. Vacuum the next. In make sure the kitchen counter is clear before I go to bed. Let's just say I haven't cleaned the closets or the garage in years and the laundry is clean, but rarely makes it back in the dresser.

I've never added more tabs. I'd get the chlorine up to shock level and I raise my PH a little high (low ph is a thing I deal with in my pool) the night before leaving and we're usually good when we get back. I may have to adjust the PH again if rained a bunch. If it's forecasted to be really hot I have my inlaws stop by and dump an extra gallon in half way through. Haven't come back to a swamp yet!

Liquid chlorine from Menards. They have the best price.

Everything else I get from Amazon. My local pool store, while I love them, are expensive for chemicals. I'll get equipment and sand from them. PHup? Amazon all day long.

I think Costco has the best deal on pucks, but I rarely use them. A small bucket lasts me three years. Lmao.

Skip it. I skipped a few in campaign 2 as well and the Mighty Nein are my FAVORITES. It's ok to read a recap and move on.