About 3 months a year you will not see people walking in Austin from lunch time to maybe 7-8pm. Shade does not help. People will drive to their mailbox 50 steps away because the car has AC. Maybe there’s “I saw one guy that…”, but generally people will not carry home groceries above maybe 92F.

I do think it is outrageous to not have a walking path between these areas, just that the story is more complex. If enough people feel strongly about it, it would happen. Those people choose the car instead for different reasons.

The Texas heat might be an explanation. With 105F (40 C) probably you will drive, even with nice sidewalks…

Just go for Rust. As much as I like C++, some issues can’t be fixed. Not a bad language, still better than a ton of other choices, but can’t compete on the long term with Rust.


End of Dec, when I started: 237 lbs Today: 216 I’ll do my 2nd Dexa in 2 weeks or so, we will see about body composition. I don’t trust the scale much; it says 40% start, 34% today. It was about 7% above what Dexa said… The goal is under 10% BF in 3 years or so.

More than 4 months in, still going reasonably easy. Got used with it, probably I can sustain for years

They were out of bananas in LA last week. That and FitAid was the highlight for me before…

There are multiple options; I went with the mid-range $10k/yr. All online, though the app...

So far it is working as promised - for me. I don't think secret sauce exists. Eat right, sleep 7hr, lift heavy weights, min 5.5k steps/day, track everything.

What is different for me is the gap between knowing and doing. With significant amount of money committed, both me and my coach takes it seriously. They have the promise "do these things and we guarantee the results, or your money back". For me $10k to "get" six pack is a good deal, as long I have reasonable confidence that it can happen. For them, I'm pretty sure they don't want to give back the money to a lot of customers. :)

Now you might not agree with the "six pack" goal, and I have been said the same thing before I spent even more than this on a trainer for in-person training. Even though I had pretty good athletic results, the nutrition part was not take seriously, so I still felt and looked like a fat person. I totally ran out of motivation after almost a year of hard work. This time around I focus on food too, have DEXA every 6 months and shoot for 12% body fat with no loss of muscle. Might take 3 years to get there, but so be it. Skinny people with high visceral fat % are still unhealthy, with high cholesterol and all - so looks is not everything, but for sure makes the work easier.

Signed up for Supra Human a month ago and it is going well, visible progress already. Apple Watch shows all indicators improving (cardio fitness, muscle mass, sleep quality).

It is not a revolutionary concept, but for me personally having a coach I can trust worth the money. I know all the theory and I could probably help somebody else to achieve the same goal, but I often fail to follow my own advice. This is when I receive a dose of reality check and go back making the right choices.

I just signed up. Ask me in a month or so...