
For real, I have my AAMC immunization form filled out and signed, and have an away lined up already. Everytime I search for other aways and find something that fits my schedule I keep finding institutions that have their own immunization form, different than the AAMC form. Its annoying as hell, because now I have to have a completely new form signed off on. Let alone, multiple institutions requiring their own individual forms.

Getting a doctors appointment or having your school sign off on your immunization form can be a headache.

This makes absolutely no sense. The form has the same exact information on it, just formatted in some way. You're telling me you cant just use my AAMC form to document my vaccinations? You really need the special one with your schools logo at the top of it???

Annoying as hell. Part of me thinks its a gate keeping technique. Like only students who really wanna do an away at that school will jump through the hoop of filling out their form.