Don't ask questions Germans don't want to answer.

The body thing has always struck me as odd. If looks like they added weight to Lars. If it was explained that he began wearing armor of some type under his uniform, fine...but going for the slightly heavy set, mustache twirling villain look (Dr. Evil), not so much. If anything, it's antithetical to Thrawn's character up to that point.

Agree. To me, the Chiss always seem beautifully alien. Jon Hamm has evidenced he can play the clean cut, slicked back hair authoritative type, and he physically fits the bill better. Lars does, however, have the perfect voice for Thrawn.

Expecting to put in 20-40 hours and being done.

I'll take the up/down as good evidence that, if a joke at all, it was a crap one.

Try...RDR2, Ghost of Tsushima, either Horizon game, or Cyberpunk, and then revisit this opinion.

"Are you have stupid".

Those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

Clunky. Slow. Loud. Less immersed in the environment. Annoying HUD. Fusion cores. Late game character stats + armor already more than sufficient.

No one cares about the Railroad.

S1 or S2? Nah. S3? Definitely.

What's with everyone "not feeling very comfortable living in Germany anymore"?

What do you mean by WW2 era weaponry? Actual WW2-era produced weaponry or models/types/designs that are still in use? The outcome of either can be much different--while you're right the US military still uses the 911 platform/model type, WW2 era 911s are museum pieces/collector items.

While I assume this is fake, I would hope the defense is a 99 (or close). Offense, not so much.

Apparently someone else isn't happy about all the screen time Jordan M gets either.

Norway. The US (see, Alaska, Hawaii, Arizona, Colorado, Vermont, parts of Michigan....)

I was about to comment the same when I saw this. The percentage of force users across time who, without training, would end up using their meager powers to murder someone would be astronomically low (perhaps only Anakin or Bane, in a galaxy where hundreds of trillions have been born and died). In the bigger context of a universe full of war, strife and crime, its meaningless. The Jedi were absolutely not going around X-Men style, taking "dangerous" kids off the streets.

:lone: Lone Wanderer

Good ol Vault Tec Jumpsuit