You’re too poor for vinegar?

Just make a whirlpool in a pot of boiling water with vinegar or lemon juice and crack an egg in it

Just have a mirror in your room

You have surfaces in your bathroom to put clothes on? We don’t have anywhere to put clothes in our bathroom except the sink, which is often wet from someone having washed their hands

It is a crime to ever possess it, share it, or to know of its existence without reporting it. At least over here

Would we? We don’t see ultraviolet or infrared as violet or red, so surely we wouldn’t see anything

Are you arguing with the Oxford dictionary?

Dispensing half a grand to change a few words on a piece of paper is not affordable for a lot of people

So now I know you’re privileged too

The definition of a name:

a word or set of words by which a person or thing is known, addressed, or referred to.

Nowhere does it state that a name needs to be from your birth certificate. If most people call you by your preferred name then technically that becomes your name since that is the name by which that person is known and referred to

Names can also be changed on your birth certificate (for a fee), so are you saying that your new name only counts if you can afford it? That sounds pretty classist to me

I’m Scottish and.. I think I quite like Scotland. If I need to include the rest of the UK though then fuck us

It’s not but I’m just going skim past that, why didn’t you answer the question? Because you know that your answer proves my point?

I just don’t actively think about some things like wants, I just have a sort of intuitive understanding that I want it and I don’t need to verbalise it in my head

It’s weird that you say that now as I’m pondering wether I want a coffee or tea while the kettle is boiling

But when I want a hot beverage like tea or coffee I just have a raw desire for it. I don’t actively think about it. I then might ponder which I want, but the want itself isn’t verbalised

Why not

That’s just disrespectful

It’s disrespectful and invalidating to purposefully deadname someone

It’s not quite the same since calling them a random name doesn’t have any memories or personal connotations associated with it

Why does the birth certificate matter? Do you ask everyone you meet for their birth certificate and ID to make sure you have their government name?

While I agree it is difficult to change what you call someone, there are people who just refuse to

I changed my name 2 years ago and my sister outright told me that she will continue to deadname me because “you will always be my wee ____”

It took me cutting contact with her for her to finally start to almost make an attempt to call me by my name, 6 week’s ago

Names carry a lot of meaning, if you’ve changed your name and someone refuses to accept it they are most likely triggering you, and they are disrespecting you