This is not normal. He comes across very controlling and insecure.

My husband and I trust each other enough that if one of us gets hit on, the other will good naturedly tease the other or hype up how sexy the must be or just not say too much at all...I'm usually happy for him if it happens as it's an ego boost for him (& he doesn't think of himself as really attractive).

Point is, we love, trust, and are secure enough to live our lives (including interacting with people) supporting each other.

I've never been into muscley men, I prefer the tall, skinny type you often see in a metal band or concert. I also have such a thing for long hair on blokes.

I've been attracted to and dated other body types, 'gym bros' have just never been my weakness.

I would run a sanctuary for elderly cats to live their retirement days in a place of love, warmth and fun. Adopt all the senior kitties to retire with dignity and love.

I'd also hire some assistance staff (I'm disabled) to help with sanctuary maintenance and do a travel reporter type vlog where I see as much local wildlife as possible. I have a Zoology degree and a Masters in Teaching so it could be educational.

I'll wear pjs for a few nights, maybe up to a week for a baggy nightie in winter etc. Unless I'm sick, then I change after each shower or day.

I'm also not from the U.S, but I certainly feel for women over there these days :(

Could you try to make showering less a chore and more a relaxing daily treat? I listen to music and have nice scented bodywash etc. Maybe try 1-2 minute showers at first? I'm also a night showerer, I can't stand going to bed unlean at night. Maybe try a different time of day?

Date - Rei

Sibling - Minako, she's fun, sweet, cute, and Artemis would live with us too 🐈

Bestie - Makoto, we could bake together and be close as she lives alone, could have great sleepovers etc. I'm a hopeless romantic, so she'd be fun to hang with, too.

Parents - Haruka & Michiru

Child - Ami, she's a good kid

Boss - Usage, she'd be a chill boss.

Hiking partner - Setsuna, we could have some cool, deep convos about the universe, and I'd feel safe with her at night.

Saying 'bless you' when somebody sneezes? I know the reasoning behind saying it, however it's not actually 'helping' someone.

Shower daily, occasionally skip a day (female).

I've been engaged twice in my life.

The first time, I had no say in the ring, and it was really daggy, and I didn't like it all. It was super thin, old fasioned, ugly. And I'm not normally picky at all with gifts or jewellery. Knowing that little efoort/thought went into it did jot help at all. But I just decided to grin and bear it and love it for what it stood for..I ended up not marrying that bloke.

My second engagement ring I helped choose, and I love it so much! It makes me happy to look at it and show it to others. It's a beautiful sapphire in white gold and it feels It feels 'right' to wear.

Talk to your fiance. Go forward happy and elated, regrets suck. Communicate with care.

Unnatural looking plastic surgery. Excluding those who need cosmetic surgeries for health related reasons etc of course. But I personally think 95% of the time people look better natural vs after cosmetic surgery/botox/filler etc.

I wouldn't ever say anything to anyone or mention it normally - as people can live how they choose. But this is secretly in my head. I also think in general that people should embrace aging as part of life & not something unattractive more.

A FPS would be so fun. A battle royale style could be fun as a multilayer mode too, similar to doom eternal where you can play both sides (balancing out the awesome-ness of the guyver).

Finished: rereading Queen of the Damned by Anne Rice.

Reading: The Watchers by A.M Shine

Started: What the River Knows by Isabel Ibanez

I never have met any, or even read about any online that I recall. Also, although not that old, my (38) husband (43) and I love our little family of us & our two kitties (:

NTA. Why has he had such an extreme reaction to this? And continues to sulk like a toddler?

Moon, Jupiter, Venus, Mars, Mercury - but saying that, I love them all!

He sounds absolutely disgusting. Ugh. I was bedridden for a year, unable to do anything fun, not even cuddle, and my (now) husband never pressured me. He is beyond gross.

He is TA. But you text instead of speaking to one another while in the same house..? Why is it less disruptive? That doesn't sound great.