With Joe Biden as the democrat candidate demanding loyalty oaths from all the house and senate candidates and then hanging like an anchor round their neck, trump will prolly take it all.

Lol. I get my politics from many places.

Primarily I get my politics from incarcerated people who I advocate for. They’re in prison unfairly based on the 94 crime bill and other gross bullshit that joe Biden did back in the 90’s.

I also get my politics from the union I steward for, and my coworkers. Biden has let us down.

I also get my politics from young people I organize with. They will not vote for a genocidal boomer. Even Bernie sanders can’t convince them to do that, especially after Thursday.

I also get my politics by listening to mainstream news and liberal podcasts. The whole nyt editorial board has joined what I’ve been saying since 2019, abd what voter polls have been saying for the last two years: Biden is a shit candidate.

I’ve been calling for him to be replaced since 2019.

It’s just that after Thursday it’s become obvious that not only is he a risk for refusing to build a coalition and mobilize the party base, he’s also a risk because he can’t even implement his trash strategy of only talking about abortion and making trump look like a frenzied aspiring dictator.

He chose a bad strategy, and is failing to execute it. Also: this is not like he’s my employee. It’s like he’s my boss. Cuz I’m out here working on a lower level trying to beat trump, but the “leader of the party” is tossing debates and white-knuckling through a terrible strategy of bullying a coalition that doesnt believe in him.

I’ve knocked thousands of doors and donated thousands of dollars to democrats and democrat adjacent causes. Biden is a sucking pit who I cannot afford to waste my time and money on. I need to work for something that will win.

I wish voting had the power that liberals imagine it does.

I’m going to vote. I’m also going to volunteer, organize, and donate.

But I’m not going to throw my time and money into the black hole of a feeble moderate Republican who usurped the Democratic Party and is botching the election.

I’m going to break his death grip on the party and have a real fight against trump.

In office Biden was forced to make concessions to the progressives who endorsed him to hold a coalition together against trump.

This year, those progressives no longer have credibility with their constituents. Bernie sanders cannot save Biden. Young people won’t vote for Biden because Bernie told them to, especially after last Thursday. Young people aren’t they fucking dumb.

Let’s do a run down of Biden’s conservative achievements, with jokes:


We cannot win the White House with a fake democrat who is incapable of mobilizing a majority coalition to re-elect him.

Dropping Biden and having a contested convention is our best shot against trump.

Democrats are anti war. Democrats are pro labor. Democrats don’t host RNC conventions. Democrats fight for equality, social safety net, against prison and against racism.

Biden is a moderate Republican. Clinton’s “third way” is republicanism.

I am more democrat than them, and I’m out here fighting to get my party back.

Yep. The centrists in the dnc put up the oldest, least popular incumbent ever and threatened us all with trump if we don’t line up behind him because they DID NOT want a primary.

Because a left populist woulda won that primary, and then the general, and then the corporations would lose their grip on the country.

That’s all this is about: corporate power maintaining a death grip on our country.

That sounds like a threat, not an argument. The instituonalists have been bullying me to for for unappealing corporate candidates my entire voting life.

It’s been the party’s fault every year.

This is what happens when the insitutionalists stifle the populist base. It was their fault in 2000, 2004, 2016, and it was their fault 2020 was close enough for trump to make the big lie and come back this year.

Bernie needs to spend his time backing the squad and cultivating the next generation of democratic socialists, so that we have options better than him even.

Instead, he’s out here shilling for death grip Biden.

If it’s not cognitive decline it’s still disqualifying. He pivoted from abortion to trumps favorite talking point!

He needs to go. Months ago.


Biden has got to go. Where is the democratic politician with integrity who will risk the backlash from democratic insider power broker consultants to join the call for Biden to step down?

The voters have been saying no to Biden since last year. They’re on board. The pundits finally came around after Thursdays debacle. When will the politicians catch up? The first one who does will have their career ended by the selfish assholes who run Biden’s campaign and refuse to admit their error, but we need someone to step up so that the dam breaks and those assholes never get control of our party again.

This situation sucks. Why are we here?

We are here because top level democrat strategists supported Biden running again rather than having a primary. They made this broken thing. Now they’re refusing to let go of it so we can fix it.

We need to take it from them.

The obvious right thing to happen would be Biden bowing out gracefully, but that isn’t going to happen because it hurts the credibility of the consultants and institutional party leaders who lied to us about Biden’s health and wellness. Those fuckers have a death grip on the party and they won’t let go without a fight.

So, we can’t just sit back and cross our fingers and hope that Biden’s family or close friends convince him to make the responsible decision.

We need to attack the top level strategists, wrench their unwilling fingers off the party and start fixing the things they broke.

The story about black voters and Biden back in the 2020 primary was they liked him because he’s a white guy who got out of the way of the first black president, who was willing to play second place back up to Obama.

Right now, he’s the white guy with an death grip on the party who hasn’t allowed the black woman he picked as his running mate to define herself and now won’t get out of her way.

So, the identity optics are already really bad. If dipshit insiders had allowed a regular primary by convincing Biden to not run, it’d be smoother, but they didn’t. So, we have to fix the broken thing they put together. First step is taking it away from them.

I think that what Ezra said about her is true: as a black woman in our racist political climate, she has had to code switch and demure a LOT to get where she is. During the primary she could not decide whether to be the tough on crime da or the progressive west coast woman of color. Really, she’s some of both of these things, or maybe neither, but that’s the problem, we don’t know because if she publicly and clearly defined herself she would get heaps more scrutiny and far less good will than the FUCKING ZOMBIE who is currently standing in her way right now.

Kamala Harris might be a great president. She might be a total flop. We don’t know, cuz our country is too racist to let her be anything but a vague shadow of a dozen stereotypes projected on her.

He has a death grip on the party. We either shake it off this week, or he drags us down through a trump victory.


Amerikkka is a nuclear armed superpower. Fascist states implode. If Hitler had the bomb he woulda set it off before shooting himself. Trump will have a world ending arsenal.

There’s no where to hide when a fascist USA self destructs. We’re all in this together, and we need to fight and win, now.

The trouble is, all the politicians standing by him are tying their credibility to him.

Kamala Harris was asked during the post debate interview if this is the Biden she’s seen recently, and she could not answer.

“Yes, he’s a walking ghoul. I’ve been boosting a ghoul for president, but telling you he’s spry.” Admits she’s a liar.

“No, this is new and surprising.” Admits he’s dramatically declined and is unqualified.

There is no tenable position for a Biden ally going forward. They’ve either been lying, or are demanding we line up, lockstep behind someone obviously incompetent.

He will sink the whole party. This is how we lose congress and a slew of state and local races too.

Trump is going to want Biden to debate again. What will Biden say?

And Biden will shit the bed again, if not at a second debate, at some other point. What will the Biden backers do then?

It’s a death grip.