Gotta side with the FBI on this one, Fauci hoaxed all of us about the bats, but we all have read his emails and the FBI report, and we now know better.

And taking a full neurological exam administered by a credible third party

According to the article in politico, the governors have much less at risk than the Democrats in Congress and so are not incentivized to act with any boldness or candor.

In all fairness, the creation of that narrative is kind of a layup at the moment…

For premium daiquiris, I use Probitas or Panama Pacific.

For poolside daiquiris I use Doorly’s white rum.

Funny you bring that up. For the last three months or more my feed has been jammed with new stories featuring DNC shill psychiatrists queueing up to diagnose Trump as completely mentally deteriorated based on something he said at one or another event.

Honestly, I don’t think it’s an integrity issue. I think that his family and a very small group of advisors have pretty much cut him off from most spontaneous interaction with anybody that is not part of the Cabal.

Agree. If I was running Trump’s campaign I would lock him in the nuclear fallout bunker at the Greenbrier in WV and only let him out on election night…

And don’t forget that he teed up Trump on immigration - that was the killer for me…

If Biden is THREE TIMES WORSE before the election, there is a 100% chance Trump wins!

Anyone who says they haven’t seen thuggish behavior by teenagers on the metro and on metro platforms is purposefully not looking very hard.

Let’s be frank, the big incumbency advantage is that when you become senile it allows your wife and daughter and a few party insiders to squash the primary aspirations of anybody younger than you who might have a shot at winning the election…

Once you invited this gentleman to move into your home, good manners dictates that you lose the “my way or the highway” attitude - it’s his home now too. Keep your shrine but move it out of common spaces where he has to see it every day (and night). Dunno where all the “break up immediately” crew are coming from.

This! GOP nightmare is anybody other than Biden, Harris, or Newsom.

Yes. It’s my pick for hot wx poolside daiquiris

Totally agree on PA30. One of few piston twins that makes sense to own and operate outside of a business.

This has gotta be an account for Jill Biden, nobody else could still be pushing this BS

This has gotta be an account for Jill Biden, nobody else could still be pushing this BA

Bad take. I wouldn’t hire Joe Biden to be a law intern at our firm, never mind the leader of the free world and the world’s foremost nuclear power. In fairness if Trump were President and he couldn’t complete a sentence on national tv we would be screaming to have him immediately removed from office.

Or you “win” and the other guy hits his head on a curb and now you live with that for the rest of your life.